The actual thing she said, that she couldn't imagine how anyone could possibly construe as racist, was that she noticed that the Latino guy in line ahead of her at the grocery store and the Asian guy at the cash register both had what looked to her like the same haircut, and first she pointed out their identical haircut and then she said, "Actually, you two and Kim Jong-Un
have the same haircut!"
Why didn't they think she was just a scream? She doesn't understand!
I've been running all day, shorting out the last things needed for the reception. I met up with a friend to start decorating the place and we both ended up getting there late. We worked from about 7pm - 1:30 am. There is more to do tomorrow but thankfully Amy has that handled.
I am beyond exhausted and in pain, but now that I'm tucked in my bed, I'm wide awake. I'll be lucky to get 4 hours sleep before Wedding Day starts.
A surprise, for Kelly, limo is picking us up at 8:15 to go to the salon for fancy hairdos, then back home to get her dressed, of to the courthouse, pictures, a bit of a break, then on to the reception. Oh and then the cleanup after so we don't have to go back on Sat.
Wish me sleep and a calm mind tomorrow.
Oh dear, JZ. Some people are just so clueless.
Yay, Kelly! All sorts of calm~ma, Suzi!
I hope you slept well, Suzi. I am looking forward to seeing reports from the big day!
We are up and waiting for the limo. I actually feel fairly human.
I just can't understand why those guys at the store wouldn't find it delightful to be informed they look like the great Korean leader. How stuffy.
Happy wedding day to K-bug!
Suzi, this is so exciting! I hope it's a great day for everyone involved.
O frabjous day! Hope the wedding is lovely.