So I ended up having an emergency root canal last Thursday night. Three people stayed from 5 to 8 p.m. to do the whole thing. I'd heard of them, but didn't know what they were exactly. Painful! Though getting better.
Beth, re acetominaphen and ibuprofen, though M prob has a working meds combo
now: [link]
. I'm down to 500 mg aceto and 600 mg ibu (from 1000 and 800) every 4 hrs and antibiotics ev 8 hrs. I'm taking something about every 2 hrs all day/night; a few 4 hr gaps. Had to make a chart keep track of it. Start another antibiotic tomorrow, for a persistent swelling like a half of a hard-boiled egg along my jaw. At least it doesn't hurt now. Yay meds.
Yay antibiotics! I've read some stuff online, and people used to die from infections in the teeth or jaw.
Askye, you and I both have IC. Of course no two people are alike on anything, yet, maybe my experience is helpful -- Before my body has the sensation of needing to pee, it raises my body temperature as a warning. I figured this out by realizing that getting too warm in bed at night always preceded having to pee. As soon as I'm dimly aware of being too warm in bed, if I get up and pee, my body temperature goes back down, and I can go right back to sleep, having just barely awakened.
I pay attention to it during the day now. When I get that starting to overheat feeling, I immediately go to the bathroom, and the heat goes away. I don't wait to get the sensation of having to pee. I now interpret that starting to overheat feeling as needing to pee. It works for me. Worth a try maybe?
Java I'll pay attention to that but at work my ability to leave the floor depends on if there are customers and coverage and I work in my area alone most days. I mean if I really had to I could figure without but the other day I it took an hour for things to slow down to the point where I could.
- F is home sick with a cold and DW sent me the most adorable pic of him in his tighty whiteys with a red cape ala Captain Underpants. It is to die! He has been so 4.5 lately, I need these doses of adorableness to endure it. Favorite thing to do of late? Yell out, "PENIS!" Sigh.
- Found out I have 8 PTO days left for the year, so taking the 4 days after Christmas and time to go with my Mom to Hilton Head in early Dec.
- I have rediscovered my love of bootcut jeans.
- Getting my hair cut with my fab new hairdresser on Friday. Considering getting bangs again...
- Hosting Thanksgiving this year. So far, we're doing turkey, dressing, mashed potato, gravy, rolls, pumpkin pie. Friend is bringing a veggie dish. What else do I need???? I'm used to sweet potatoes and green bean casserole, but none of us really eat it. Any good veg side dishes?
- It's been in the 40s here this week and I LOVE IT. Sweaters, coats, boots - yasssss.
Congrats on the house, Pix and ND!
Hi, Glam! This is a good side dish we make on Thanksgiving [link]
F is home sick with a cold and DW sent me the most adorable pic of him in his tighty whiteys with a red cape ala Captain Underpants. It is to die! He has been so 4.5 lately, I need these doses of adorableness to endure it. Favorite thing to do of late? Yell out, "PENIS!" Sigh.
Adorable! ltc has been stripping down to her underwear in her crib lately, right in time for the cold weather. I hope your DW is feeling better soon.
Whenever I make a sweet potato/butternet/pumpkin type of soup it goes over very well. Also I just make it in the crock pot and it stays warm.
I'm doing T'day too, but I haven't narrowed down my very long list of recipes I want to try.
sj, that looks delicious! Thanks for the share! Both of my boys immediately strip down to undies the second they get home - even now when it's cold! Kids in undies are pretty darned cute, though. LOL
sj, that looks delicious! Thanks for the share! Both of my boys immediately strip down to undies the second they get home - even now when it's cold! Kids in undies are pretty darned cute, though. LOL
They are super cute. ltc runs around saying "naked baby!" with a big smile on her face.
Also seconding Laura's soup idea. We make butternut squash soup that essentially consists of boiling cubed squash in broth, pureeing, adding some honey, spices, and a little cream and that's it. We make it the day before and reheat it and add the cream that day.
Thanksgiving is a perfect time for roasted brussels sprouts, if you happen to be a fan of such things.
ltc has been stripping down to her underwear in her crib lately, right in time for the cold weather.
Jane too! WHYYYY.