Everything is someone else's fault. It's ridiculous.
100% this is my son. He has lost every single job he ever had in a short amount of time. Wrecked or lost 4 cars. The list goes on. Takes zero responsibility for any of it. Zero. His loss of his last car and living space were the last straw for me. He can couch surf or go to a shelter.
I do not mean to make it about me!! It is just that lack of taking responsibility for your life when you are an adult that makes me nuts. #1 is 25 and I sincerely hope he figures it out before he is 38!
I really hope he figures it out and gives you some peace, Teppy.
ltc tripped over her own feet, fell flat on her face and split her lip first thing this morning. She is determined to freak me out before I'm even caffeinated every day this week.
It is just that lack of taking responsibility for your life when you are an adult that makes me nuts.
Man, me too. Every job he's lost (all of them) is someone else's fault. Not being allowed to see his daughters is his GF's mother's fault. He even said that this entire clusterfuck he's in right now is "the universe trying to punish me." Damn, dude. Be an adult.
The universe , like everyone else, is telling him to get his act together.
I hope there is less not son drama soon.
I'm struggling today . And yesterday. And today I even had the "I'm a bad person" thought show up in my head. Except I realized what was going on and stopped it.
I go to work at 2 so I'm going to watch comfort tv, eat comfort food and ride this emotions until 11 or so . (I've found giving myself a time frame helps me from spiraling).
Except I realized what was going on and stopped it.
Excellent! Brain can say wrong stuff, but shove that stuff aside.
The Universe is not trying to do things to you. It responds to your choices and actions.
I don't think a whining drunk is ideal company for children. I expect he would parentify and burden them complaining about how everything is out to get him.
heres a trick I learned about managing emotion. My emotions are not my core. They are changeable like the weather. I think I am the mountain, moods blow past, and I am still standing when the clouds break.
This sometimes works for me. Even my dad liked the idea, and we can all blame him for passing down his depression and an ability to use our brains to make everything worse with overthinking. The old dog still learns new tricks!
Apparently a loud restaurant for lunch was all I needed at this point to have an anxiety attack. Bad choice on my part. And now my mother is mad. My in laws don't want to be exposed to a sick kid. So our anniversary plans are probably off as well.
askye - go you on catching the brain weasels.
Teppy - you tried to be supportive and he is pissing away every chance he has to make good choices. YOU are caring for yourself and Tim - your priorities are in the right place.
sj - toddlers have an amazing ability to hurt themselves and bounce right back. I think we parents feel more pain than they do when things like this happen.
Yeah, she's fine. I've been pushing through my own pain for a week. So teo mornings of stressing out about her was apparently too much for my body. I'm going to nap while she does and hopefully feel better.
Teppy - you tried to be supportive and he is pissing away every chance he has to make good choices. YOU are caring for yourself and Tim - your priorities are in the right place.
This. You have already gone above and beyond.