My landlord just came over again about the air conditioning, and lectured me again about the mess. I told him that I'm hiring a professional organizer.
The air conditioning guy thinks that the problem might be that there are things blocking the vents within my apartment, but I showed the landlord where all the vents are, and that they're clear.
Landlord is a jerk. Please to ignore.
I also just tend to get really antsy when people are in my space when I didn't prepare for it. Like, if I invite someone over, then that's fine, but someone just stopping by without notice makes me anxious. Even someone letting me know an hour or so before is fine, but just, "I'll be there in five minutes," and my heart starts racing.
Dear god, I am grateful for professional apartment management. Plus, my rent check is processed the day I put it in the drop box. They must have some digital process to do that.
Now I'm trying to decide whether to go grocery shopping or order in something for dinner. I know I should go grocery shopping -- healthier food, cheaper -- but I kind of don't want to deal with humans at the moment. But, on the other hand, I really want pizza, and the only place that delivered vegan pizza closed, so if I want pizza, I need to go to the store and get the frozen kind.
I'm currently wearing ragged shorts and a Sunnydale High School t-shirt. And I really need to shave my legs. I probably shouldn't go out in public like this.
Eh, if it bothers you, throw on yoga pants and get your pizza. If it doesn't bother you, then just go with it.
P.S. I am REALLY irritated with your landlord right now. Assclown.
I've been kind of thinking about buying a house or apartment -- real estate in Cincinnati is really cheap -- and one of the things on the "pro" side of that list is that I won't have to get stressed out about landlords. Also, ability to install kitchen cabinets at a height where I can actually use them. (On the "con" side is not really knowing how to plan for the future, and all the expense of upkeep.)
I also just tend to get really antsy when people are in my space when I didn't prepare for it. Like, if I invite someone over, then that's fine, but someone just stopping by without notice makes me anxious.
Me too. When I lived in NJ, often I would come home to workmen's boot prints on the kitchen floor and a note that said "We were in your apartment today!" Landlords, maintenance guys, state inspectors, half the time would give me a day's notice and half the time none at all. Fuck that. It's honestly one of the reasons I was determined to buy a house. I don't want anyone having the right to come into my living space without my knowledge and consent.
So far I've gotten warning that maintenance would be done, but I expect that if there was a problem with a leak somewhere that they'd be in without warning if need be. I should probably wear more clothes when I'm at home.
Blah. My sinuses are acting up now. And it's the last week of the semester, so I'm getting frantic emails from students.