The technician who performed my echocardiogram said, after emphasizing that she's not a cardiologist, that my valve appears to be a normal factory-issued tricuspid valve. But the actual cardiologist will still have to read it and send the results to my primary-care physician.
So I'm tentatively optimistic, pending confirmation.
I wish the clerks would send people like that to the end of the line, askye. I get that they don't want to be confrontational, but it isn't fair to the polite. I'm getting more vocal when I see stuff like that.
Yay for normal valves! Glad they said something, if there is any doubt they keep quiet.
I pay for stuff too but it's more that she jumped the line and then took a ton of time.
Like if she was just going to ask if her prescription was ready and then go to the back of the line I would be ok.
But no, she cut in front of everyone and then took her sweet time while we all waited.
That sounds really good Tep! I hope your doctor confirms things
Yay for factory-standard, Steph. None of those second-market knockoffs.
Unless it's at skull-puncturing height, which the upper cabinet doors in our old kitchen were, for H, and those were always, always closed immediately after use, I have no preference for open or closed drawers, cabinet doors, or actual doors. What I hate is not-quite-closed, with an inch or so gap. Anything could be there in the dark, watching. You don't know. Open the damn thing wide so it can't hide, or close it all the way so whatever it is can't spy.
And cover those black window panes at night. I don't care if we're on the third floor--some things fly or crawl, and I can't stand the feeling of being spied on. I mean, sure, if you want to watch, stand there in the light and enjoy the damn view. But don't hide and peek, that's just rude.
my valve appears to be a normal factory-issued tricuspid valve.
Woot, woot!!!
I'm working outside on a beautiful day again. I love my back patio. One of these days I'll get the re-landscaping done, but I can ignore that part of the yard.
I have my granddaughter (eeep, but might as well get used to saying that) sanding some wood shelves. She is getting through them quick enough, I may see if I have what is needed to start painting them too!!! It is a paying gig for her.
Open the damn thing wide so it can't hide, or close it all the way so whatever it is can't spy.
Proper etiquette for dealing with the Goddess Anoia.
My landlord just came over again about the air conditioning, and lectured me again about the mess. I told him that I'm hiring a professional organizer.
The air conditioning guy thinks that the problem might be that there are things blocking the vents within my apartment, but I showed the landlord where all the vents are, and that they're clear.
Landlord is a jerk. Please to ignore.
I also just tend to get really antsy when people are in my space when I didn't prepare for it. Like, if I invite someone over, then that's fine, but someone just stopping by without notice makes me anxious. Even someone letting me know an hour or so before is fine, but just, "I'll be there in five minutes," and my heart starts racing.
Dear god, I am grateful for professional apartment management. Plus, my rent check is processed the day I put it in the drop box. They must have some digital process to do that.