Does soaking in hot water help any of your pains, folks with pains?
Medicinal baths are definitely my beautiful cake.
Epsom salts, baking soda and, when I've a mind, almond oil. OR, Kneipp bath oil if I'm fancy and someone has given it to me as a gift.
I totally get the squick factor, but the ease and comfort I get outweighs that for me. Plus, I make my own soft scrub (baking soda, dawn dishwashing liquid and a few drops of peppermint oil) which makes the whole scrubbing thing more enjoyable.
I honestly don't get how people live without bathtubs...which is an alarming trend these days...for so many things. But, specifically, I would not make it through the winter, or hard labor without one.
Just took one last night after some strenuous volunteering and it was a godsend.
One of my ultimate dreams is to have a soaking tub. I had one when I lived briefly in Denmark and it just about made my life.
Ugh. Therapy is bullshit and all this self-awareness BLOWS. I had a pretty sweet deal with all that repression and denial.
This shit is the hardest thing I've ever done. I'm not sorry I'm doing it, but if I knew what I was getting into when I showed up for that first appointment, I wouldn't have had the courage to do it. It's helped, and it continues to be helpful, but it's like cleaning out road rash with a wire brush sometimes. It's the only way to heal, but Jesus Christ it's so painful getting there.
And thank you all for not telling me to shut up and stop complaining.
Bring Back Repression and Denial, 2017!!!
Didn't we just swear in Repression and Denial?
Didn't we just swear in Repression and Denial?
Technically I think the ticket was Denial/Repression, but close enough.
Therapy is totally bullshit, and fuck all that self awareness! But, you know, also keep working.
You ain't kidding about the whole, if I knew where it would lead I never would have started, thing.
I went back to therapy for the first time in a month on Monday, and I cried all the way through it. When I thought leaving S. and starting over seemed too easy, I was apparently right. ::fistbumps Steph::
::hugs Suzie very gently::
I'm sorry about the boy, smonster. He's clearly not worthy.
Just checking in. I'm surviving. At a concert tonight and instead of being on the rail, I'm as high up as you can get. The idea of being touched by people is making my skin crawl.
I'm still trying to process some of the realizations I've come to lately. Still not sure where it leads.