Hi Amy!
::sticks out tongue::
Love to you, Epic.
Well, we all just got an extension for our business plans until Friday, but I'm still going to try and finish mine tonight. Too much other stuff to do.
Relatedly, what's a better gender-neutral term than craftsmanship?
::bats eyelashes at smonster::
Artistry? Artisanalty?
Artisan craft? Artisan would work, but I can't find the right form.
Oh, Epic, that's a lot. The fact that you ARE plugging along is a testament to your strength.
This. It's so hard. I'm sorry, Epic.
Thanks, guys. That means a lot. I would say more, but I'm also a hair-trigger weeper, especially when I'm stressed, and I'd rather not cry at my desk right now. But thanks.
Currently enjoying a slurpee (lemonade flavor, yum!), because I decided part of my self-care today would involve hauling ass to the nearest 7-11 on my lunch break for Free Slurpee Day. I did also pick up a sandwich (and Cheetos), for my Grownup Lunch.
Self-care is super important, Epic, and a free Slurpee is an excellent choice.
Epic you are doing a lot right now it is a testament to your strength enjoy slurpees and other things to take care of yourself!
So my day was really nice. there will be future dates. Not sure what kind of things. It's kind of hard because there's not much to do here in Brevard and it would be nice if we could split the trips back and forth but the drive down the mountain wasn't that bad.