My default is NPR. Mostly, though, I am sleeping through it.
Just woke up to a call from the nurse, checking in. Was lucid enough to mention that peeing was weird, but starting to get more normal. Something not uncommon from general, but to check back in about if it continues. Mentioning it so there's a record elsewhere if I'm not as lucid as I think (though I'm on the tail of this dose of oxy- I can actually track words.)
Learning how to cough most productively to minimize coughing. Some is just residual from the cold, same as when I went in, some clearly from intubation irritation. I can tell from the depth of cough. The 3 incisions beneath my ribs hate all of them. Belly button site is much more chill. But the pain doesn't even rank lightheadedness or sweats. Just OW MOTHERFUCKER.
Time to drink and see if I feel like staying awake or need to move or just more drugs.
So hey, all of the news is terrible, and I'm beyond freaked out. Twitter used to be fun.
Yes, my reading and watching fluff tv has increased.
Take is slow there, sarameg. Sleep catch up today sounds like an objective.
There's a Chrome extension that replaces pictures of the evil tangerine with kittens. I might have to install that.
I listened (and fell asleep to) a lot of podcasts after my surgery. I wasn't reading much, and I refused to take any painkillers beyond Advil because the side effects are terrible for me. My DH reminded me that the incision sites were smaller from the laproscopic approach, but they still cut out a major organ and scooped it out, which I am repeating for you, sarameg. Rest! Heal!
One of the joys of being obsessed with Korean pop music is it's not about politics at all. I mean, Korea just impeached their President, who has apparently been running the country based on advice from her psychic cult leader, but even that does not invade the relentless cheer and cute abs of Kpop!
There's a Chrome extension that replaces pictures of the evil tangerine with kittens.
It doesn't work. If only it did the internet would be a kinder gentler place.
who has apparently been running the country based on advice from her psychic cult leader
And, see, this actually sounds WAY better than the PEOTUS.
(Damn it, I just violated my own request to not post about our imminent slide into Planet of the Apes.)
It doesn't work.
What? Bah.
I bought a coloring book at Target yesterday. That's where I'm at.
I bought a coloring book at Target yesterday. That's where I'm at.
Avengers? (I have an Avengers coloring book from Target. It's awesome. I made the Hulk pink.)
There is some good news in the world. Here's a round up: [link] And a lot of the items are non-US, so Trump may well have no effect on them.