Was partly why I waited so long to take the first meds. Wanted a good gauge of where I was at without any masking effects.
I've been 'up' since 5ish, but only up to pee. Will probably take some more meds to take the edge off and see if they put me to sleep when I'm not trying to be.
Ok, apparently reading is hard under oxy. I think a nap might be approaching like a freight train. Also, I had to take out earring I haven't removed in well over a decade. And I think one got infected in the process (there's a reason I never take them out.)
Ok, apparently reading is hard under oxy.
That seriously was annoying after I had surgery. I was really looking forward to being confined to bed and getting a chance to read. I couldn't even focus enough to watch tv! Not fair.
Take it easy, sarameg! That's an order. You are allowed to type.
sarameg, even if you do manage to read under the oxy, you likely won't remember any of it anyway. Quick recovery to you.
Maybe just lie there and listen to music?
So hey, all of the news is terrible, and I'm beyond freaked out. Twitter used to be fun.
Trump is already making moves to make the government more efficient. One would figure that the oil and gas industry would be indirectly setting environmental policy in an Republican administration, but now it will be directly setting it.
So hey, all of the news is terrible, and I'm beyond freaked out. Twitter used to be fun.
Yeah, I keep trying to find a corner of the internet where everything is light and fluffy to hide in, especially when I can't sleep at night, but that doesn't seem to exist at the moment. I can't even go to Buzzfeed to do fluffy quizzes without seeing Drumpf's face. So, I've been reading more. Which, I guess is good.
So hey, all of the news is terrible, and I'm beyond freaked out. Twitter used to be fun.
Yeah, Facebook is killing me. Which is sad, because that's been my socialization since I work alone. But I can't keep reading all the horrible news and remain sane.
So everyone needs to post here more, but not about the imminent destruction of civilization.