Bunnies are the cutest, aren't they?
So Monday at 6 I got an assignment for this job I'm applying for, due Thursday at 6. I think I've gotten it to a good place, and I basically don't have any other time to work on it before tomorrow at 6, but I'm paranoid to send it now! I'll give it one more read-through in the morning, I guess.
Good luck with the interview homework, Jesse.
Jeez, sarameg, I had forgotten about your change in status @work. Glad to hear the people you work with have your back!
Eta I hope shrift is sleeping.
Sent off the homework, and they "hope to get back to me by the end of next week." Which is fine, but I thought they wanted to move quickly! At this rate I wouldn't even be able to give notice before January, assuming I got the job.
I hope you hear good news from them soon, Jesse.
I'm trying to decide if I genuinely feel crappy or if it's a bad case of the "don't wannas". I'm leaning toward the former.
I went for a solid 3 years without getting a cold. Now I'm going into my third week of this cold. I thought I had beaten it back; turns out it just didn't like Chicago. Now I'm home and my sinuses are in revolt and I'm counting the minutes until I can take another slug of cough syrup.
So, bah. At least the dog walker is coming today so the Boss won't lose her mind with boredom.
I had a pretty awful respiratory thing in mid- late-November and it seemed to pass on its own but now I have weird throat phlegm and keep losing my voice. It's weird. I don't feel uncomfortable or sick, just this one thing.
I haven't been sick with a cold in three or four years either, and this year I have a weird lingering thing. Its driving me nuts!
My chair just got delivered to the office! I anticipate lots of swearing tonight after dinner, but hopefully I'll have it assembled and be seated comfortably before bedtime.
I also have a lingering cold. Ugh.
Eta I hope shrift is sleeping.
I was, but the earthquake woke me up. And then my shuttle never showed up, so I stood in the rain for half an hour and I'm probably going to be late to my class.
but the earthquake woke me up.
Words I have never spoken.