Atropa no
we have matches
Top-down is how I always built a fire until someone taught me the right way. Whatever, it worked. I got fire and warm beenie-weenies.
Oh! On Rachel Maddow's show, Cohen's lawyer said Cohen basically knows all the things 'bout collusion and hacking and would be happy to talk to the Special Counsel.
Cohen waited for a pardon that didn't come and he is feeling betrayed, O Orange One.
Atropa no
we have matches
But it's an important family tradition!
He Who Should Remain Nameless should go down like a red hot Flaming Cheeto of Dooooom!
He will if Atropa gets near his hair with that flamethrower
In honor of the events of today, I have made Unindicted Coconspirator cookies. (AKA Laura Bush's cowboy cookie recipe from the NY Times.)
Oh! On Rachel Maddow's show, Cohen's lawyer said Cohen basically knows all the things 'bout collusion and hacking and would be happy to talk to the Special Counsel.
My favorite tidbit there was that Cohen is cooperating with SDNY. Which is beyond a Presidential Pardon's jurisdiction.
I totally misunderstood at first and thought "top down fire" was some sort of metaphor or phrase about the way the White House and company are burning. ...I'd be ok with a top down fire like that.
My favorite tidbit there was that Cohen is cooperating with SDNY. Which is beyond a Presidential Pardon's jurisdiction.
Nope, SDNY is the US Attorney for the Southern District of NY, which is still federal. None of these guys have been charged yet in state courts, which would put them beyond the pardon power. Yet, anyway: the NY AG seems very interested in a lot of what's going on, and I wouldn't be surprised if Mueller is sharing information with them.
I've seen this whole thing referred to as Stupid Watergate, which it really is. They're all so DUMB. John Dean was interviewed on Josh Marshall's podcast this morning, and it's fascinating to hear how much more sensible even (some of) the bad guys in the Nixon circle were.
I see a lot of "hit the streets and protest if Trump fires Mueller" but I think if he pardons Manafort that should happen.
I've seen a few people optimistically speculate that Trump will resign because of what is happening but I don't think he will. I think he will try to hold on and grab as much power as he can.
I've seen this whole thing referred to as Stupid Watergate, which it really is.
Hee. That's what John Oliver's show calls it.
I can't believe all of the late night shows are on break.