A belated happy birthday, sox!
I haven't been for a physical in more than 2 years. I should do that, but I don't wanna hear what they're going to say. ~ma for everyone who's dealing with the same.
The powder thing is new, and went into effect on June 30th. [link] Electronics have been since last year, but I haven't been hit with that requirement domestically yet. It's fairly standard internationally. It's all still security theatre.
Shir, that's awesome. What a lovely memory to create.
meara, I'm dreading the same thing with my parents. I'm sorry you and your sister have to deal with this.
shrift is my sister in ridiculous 12+ hour days. I'd really like a tiny break in the workflow, so I'm not always eating lunch at 3 pm.
Continued cash-flow~ma to ND, and thesis~ma to Pix!
I have 3 months to start improving my health or my doc is going to throw a bunch more pills at me. Yay?
This flight is surprisingly indifferent to the World Cup.
The Wimbledon men's quarterfinals are amazeballs.
This migraine is so bad that I came to urgent care (piercing, you let me down), and the front desk staff was so awful to me that I lost it and started sobbing in the waiting room. Fuck these motherfuckers. I'm waiting to get a shot, and when I get back to a keyboard (instead of my phone), I'll explain why they're a bunch of assholes here.
The doctor was very kind (possibly because I'm still crying), but the rest of these shitheads can get bent. I hope this place gets sucked into a black hole (after I leave) (and after the doctor leaves, because he was nice).
Definitely emailing the parent company of this place when I get back to a keyboard (which makes me worry that I'm the "Let me speak to your manager" lady but they made me sob in the middle of the waiting room, so, you know, I'm okay giving feedback to the parent company).
In my experience, while the urgent care people are nice, it doesn't seem to occur to them that if I have a migraine, it would be nice if they didn't slam doors and blaze the lights. Having the staff be rude during a migraine is like ten times worse.
Oh, no, Tep! I'm so sorry.
I am one more thing away from cutting a bitch. I swear I want to wallow in fried food, sweets, AND alcohol.
Kid, co-workers, Corporate office people, non-tech savvy drivers, kid's friends, and a super needy puppy.
Too much! People need to learn the shit they are responsible for and they also need to respond s to me when I need answers.
The pup can't really do anything different, just another stressor on a DAY. And a reminder that I cannot take little anymore because the child will not help one iota. NOT ONE.
Oh Teppy. Bad urgent care people are the worst. I hope your migraine gets better quickly.
ION, a mild bidding war has broken out on one of the items I'm selling on FB. Whoo!
In my experience, while the urgent care people are nice, it doesn't seem to occur to them that if I have a migraine, it would be nice if they didn't slam doors and blaze the lights. Having the staff be rude during a migraine is like ten times worse.
The nurse and the doctor were very kind -- the nurse turned off the lights as soon as we walked in the exam room. And the doctor was very kind.
The front desk staff was from hell and needs to die in all the fires. I signed in and the nurse at the desk told me that since I had been there in the past year, I didn't need to fill out their forms. I noticed that patients who arrived after me were called back while I sat there, but that location does a lot of workers comp exams and stuff, and I thought maybe those exams are scheduled or are expedited or something. But after 45 minutes, I finally went to the desk and asked the woman there (this is not the nurse who was there when I signed in) when I might see a doctor. She gestured to the other front desk woman and said, really diffidently, "Oh, she said you're here waiting to pick up a patient. Do you need to see a doctor?"
I said "What??? YES, I need to see a doctor! I signed in 45 minutes ago!" Hand to god, the woman asked me, "You're NOT here to pick up a patient?" I pointed to my name on the sign-in sheet that was in front of her stupid face and said "I SIGNED IN 45 MINUTES AGO AND I AM IN PAIN AND PATIENTS WHO ARRIVED AFTER ME HAVE BEEN SEEN AND LEFT ALREADY!"
So the woman types in my name and says "Since you haven't been here before, you need to fill out these forms." I said, "I was here last year, and the nurse at the desk WHEN I SIGNED IN 45 MINUTES AGO said that I don't need to fill out the forms since I was here last year." She points at the screen and says "You haven't been here since 2013."
I got a little unglued at that point.
I said "I have receipts from several visits a year INCLUDING LAST YEAR, so I most certainly HAVE been here since 2013! And if you can't find my records, then the doctor doesn't have any record of the care I've received, which really concerns me!" The woman said, "I do NOT have the doctor's records up here; I only have your registration information, so you should NOT expect me to have the doctor's records!"
I got kind of bug-eyed (and yet wrathful) and said "I expect a medical clinic to have accurate records for every patient, regardless of whether a doctor or front-desk staff accesses those records. You're telling me you have no information on me for the past 5 years. I'm telling you I was here within the last year. That's a problem."
Woman #2 (the one who said I was there to pick up a patient), points at the computer, says "Are you Cheryl? You haven't been here since 2013." After she said "Cheryl", I just started crying. My head hurt so much, and it was such a stupid clusterfuck, and they ignored me for 45 minutes anyway, and then they were yelling at me (their voices were raised) because they pulled up someone else's information.
While I'm crying, I tell them, "My name is NOT Cheryl! This is ridiculous! First you don't think I'm a patient, and now you have the wrong records pulled up? I am in pain and have been waiting to see a doctor for close to an hour now. Can we just do something about that?"
They said I would be the next to be seen, CALLED 3 MORE PATIENTS AHEAD OF ME, and then finally called me back. The nice doctor and nurse saw me, nurse gave me a shot and told me to wait 15 minutes. I really really wanted to leave, but I set a timer so I could get the fuck out of there in 15 minutes. After 5 minutes, the woman from the front desk walked in the exam room *without knocking* and said "You can GO now." I said "The nurse told me to wait 15 minutes." She repeated, without looking at me, "You. Can. GO. Now."
Those assholes can die in a fire. I emailed the parent company as soon as I got home and told them what happened (briefer than this long-ass post), and told them that there are other urgent care clinics in town that will get my business from now on, (continued...)