Ugh indeed. Hate going to the doctor and getting lectured. I hope they have a better plan than just giving you a hard time.
I keep thinking I need to do something like a keto diet to get stuff all under control, but don't wanna either. The cholesterol and sugar I can keep fairly not too bad out of range with my current diet, but my blood pressure still sucks and I can't seem to get that right. Bottom line I have to lose weight if all my numbers are ever going to be right without meds, and I really don't want to take meds.
Yes, Laura. To all of that. Her advice is just cut out carbs. I'm not doing that. I can cut back on them but not cut them out. And I've been relying too much on soda lately for a caffeine fix since coffee is still making me ill.
I once had my carry-on searched for a suspicious shadow on the scanner. It turned out to be some Bayfield, Wisconsin cheese. As the airport was in Duluth, you'd think they'd be used to it.
Some career stuff seems to be moving in a good direction. If I could have whatever generalized make it work~ma available, please, that would be great.
Make~it~work~ma, Calli.
sj, my doctors are all about the dump carb thing too. Just the simple ones, sugar, bread, pasta. You know, the stuff that makes life complete. I actually don't do sugar, but the rest of the no-white is hard enough.
Is life without carbs really life?
My doctor is pretty gentle about my a1c results -- and I think she decided arguing against carbs wasn't worth it, given my job at the bakery -- but she's also quick to remind me to exercise me and eat as sensibly as I can. She's also not shy about adding more meds, which always makes me feel stupid and useless. I know I could do without the supplemental one if I tried harder, but night is my downfall.
During the day I'm generally fine -- healthy breakfast and lunch, and relatively few snacks -- and I'm even pretty good about dinner. But once I'm settled on the sofa, I wind up getting into the chocolate or the chips, and it always feels like my reward for a good day. Which defeats the purpose entirely, of course.
And exercising ... I don't know. I know I could and should, but when I have a free morning, the idea of walking or going to the Y just seems like so much effort. Which is partly depression and partly being so out of shape that sometimes walking the dog is an effort.
In short, blah. Wishing you an easy appointment, sj.
shrift, here's hoping it's a much easier day for you.
Happy birthday to Sox and to sarameg, both of which I completely missed! (Sorry!)
Laura, sorry, that part of my post should have been in Bitches. Oops.
I'm in the waiting room. I'm going to attempt to get myself a healthy lunch after this since ltc is with the Inlaws for the afternoon.
Thank you for the ~ma everyone. The logjam is finally starting to clear. I'm not completely in the clear quite yet, but at least there is some forward momentum.
Good to hear. We'll keep the ~ma coming anyway!