I have the most emotional DH on the planet and need to vent so I don't smack him. He gets absurdly over the top upset about the tiniest things. He is painting our boat. A huge task that involved stripping the entire thing down to the metal. Several coats of various colors and striping and lettering and so forth. He is at the clear coat stage, like the 2nd or 3rd clear coat and some hair or debris gets on the side and he screws up a section trying to get it off. He gets inconsolable, cursing, sobbing, trying to fix and making it worse. I'm trying to be the calm reassuring voice of reason. It is fixable, he is looking at it upside down and close, the rest of the world will see it bobbing in the water. The section can be redone. Clearly talking to myself since he just doesn't think I understand the enormity of the crisis.
I accept that we are the way we are, but to me getting physically ill and upset over shit makes it worse, not better. And he doesn't get why I don't get upset. Clearly I don't comprehend what a complete tragedy has occurred.
Sigh, and I am over it. He'll calm down and fix it and forget he even got so upset. Still, grateful I am a calm fellow. Guess I should check my BP.
I didn't know you had a boat, Laura!
After skipping my ADHD med yesterday I took two today, kind of as an experiment I guess. I definitely do not need this much regularly. I AM SO ALERT
We actually have 3 boats for reasons. The boat he is painting is a 17' ski type boat that was my sister's in Otter Lake in like the early 80s. He stripped all the paint, Took out the entire guts and has rebuilt the whole thing. Not telling my sister so we haven't put any pictures up. He has done an amazing job. He knows nothing about this kind of work. Total YouTube training.
He has done an amazing job. He knows nothing about this kind of work. Total YouTube training.
YouTube training, OR...he's a freaking wizard.
I vote wizard.
He has a DIY issue. Every time a project is considered his very first thought is, I can do that.
I'm looking forward to putting up the before and after pictures. My sister is going to sob. She has no clue he is doing this. My hope is to go water skiing this summer. I haven't done it in several decades, but I figure kind of like riding a bike.
We also have a 23' fishing boat in FL that needs to be fixed up and sold, or just sold. And a pontoon type boat up in Otter Lake that we use in the summer that lives at my sister's house.
Some day when I make him succumb to my desires I will sell the house and live on a large boat. I love to sleep while rocking on waves. The issue remains finding a boat that we can both afford and that he can stand upright in. Tricky.
I can relate. (ETA I meant to the DIYitis, but also to wanting to live on a boat...)
Aw, the cows that are in the wetlands between our loading docks and the railroad tracks that I thought were just random cows are actually owned by a sister company (why they have cows I'm not sure, it's the vineyard and Commercial Stove arm. And I guess the Smart Cooking arm) and they are having babies. Our location gets to name the first one - a bull. Ferdinand seems to be the early favorite.