Gud, you are not a lousy person. Neither is Nora. Neither am I despite my many many failings. I'm sorry you don't have people in meatspace to support you when you are having a hard time. You deserve support.
I think I've seen ads for a free internet based therapy sort of thing, does anybody know anything about that?
I first noticed the French tuck, although not by any name in particular, as so.ething Winger did on Community.
my wife is right to get angry or mock me
Never. Not right with a complete stranger, friend, or spouse.
Yes, I am going to pile on for the sake of your children. You are teaching them all the wrong lessons about how relationships are supposed to work. Spouses are supposed to be supportive at all times. Your children are going to think it is okay to be angry or mocking with their spouses or they are going to think it is okay to accept that type of treatment. It Is Not.
I reject the French tuck.
It is celebrate sj's birthday day! I hope you have a lovely time this day and all of your birthday week. May ltc and TCG give you a nice proper tea party.
Still limiting my FB time because too rage inducing. I did go in and do some Words With Friends because I had been away from it while I was up north and forfeited a whole slew of games. Ooops.
Weakness and vulnerability are human, not a sin. We need each other and it is a good thing. I am saying this as someone whose father raised her to "live her life in solitude". I am so much better and happier and healthier for my friends. I am happy that I need their help at times, as they need mine. Relying solely on yourself is not humane. No wonder you feel like you do. Please, seek help.
My 7AM meeting today is a 2-hour planning-type meeting, which already a joy. I logged in two minutes beforehand, and the people in the actual conference room were discussing something else. Meetings never start on time anyway, so I was chilling, as were the several other remote people.
My coworker logs in right at 7, because she's always late, and immediately blares HELLO to make sure they pay attention to her.
Now she's chatting me whining about how they were chatting in French and she had to interrupt them to get them to speak in English.
OH my god, she's already sent me five messages.
Answer them all in French, Dana
Thank you, Laura. I have a cup of tea and then we're off to a brunch, a museum, and dinner tonight. And I have a new Tulip Funko POP along with other spoils.
She is way too Extra for this time of the morning.
And they're changing the meeting, so I probably got up for nothing.