Those attitudes are all over Pantsuit Nation and it doesn't feel like a welcoming, supportive place at all for me anymore. I'm done.
That is so disappointing!
As I've said elsewhere (I think just elsewhere) I'm watching the Million Woman March/Women's March on Washington stuff like a car crash at this point, but I'm otherwise trying to stay out of it.
Fuck Cancer! Gwen Ifill of PBS News passed away today. [link] I had no idea she was ill.
Calli, I would love to, thank you! I can bring booze and dessert.
This, and the connection I have with a few key people, is why I haven't yet. But I also don't know if keeping up with the news this way is helpful for me, either.
Nanita, I feel the same way. I also can't keep up with the sheer volume. I'm crazy busy at work, and I feel like my second job, always, is getting a full night's sleep every night because of my epilepsy. And I have to do whatever I need to do in order to make sure that happens. Which makes my life a little smaller, but I can't afford to have a seizure and have to give up driving for six months, risk injury, etc. So I only keep up to a certain extent, anyway, and even that is starting to feel toxic. But then I swing back to feeling like the knowledge and the connections are necessary. Can't decide!
Glam, that sucks. I have seen this happen all over the place, and it never ceases to disappoint and enrage.
Gwen Ifill, really? Damnit.
No one in my office knew who Gwen Ifill was. One said he did not know PBS had news on it.
So, a teaching moment for me. I am sure in one ear and out the other, but I will keep at it. My opportunity to "reach out" to Trump voters everyday.
No one in my office knew who Gwen Ifill was. One said he did not know PBS had news on it.
So, a teaching moment for me. I am sure in one ear and out the other, but I will keep at it. My opportunity to "reach out" to Trump voters everyday.
Oh, dear, but good for you! I don't know if I have the energy to try to teach people who have no interest in learning.
Terrific, amyth! We can work out menu details over the next week or so.
Instead of trying to destroy the world, I did a lot of meditation this morning and then donated to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
shrift, have you gone walking in the redwoods yet? Let me know if you want to do that some weekend, and I can pick you up at BART for an afternoon in the nice shady dampness.
Totally forgot to respond to this, but no, I have not! That would be awesome. Not sure when since I'll be spending a lot of time in Michigan (ha ha, not looking forward to THOSE conversations) for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
I made some baked sriracha tofu last night and cooked up some edamame and soba noodles so I could eat salad for dinner this week.
sj, I think that is entirely my issue - not having the energy to try to teach people who have no interest in learning. Thank you for putting it into words.
I didn't know Gwen Ifill was ill either. Oh no.
So Twitter says that Gingrich is out for Secretary of State. Yay, except apparently now it's going to be John Bolton? I'm having too many feelings at once.