Yeah. I'm so angry at my fellow white people. Just. Good god.
I've not been able to go to any news sites today, just couldn't take it. Facebook only a tiny bit.
Am making plans to go to Mexico during inauguration because my friend in DC is like "hell no I won't be in town then"
I don't want to be around any white people I don't know votes Dem, Like none. I am not going to church anymore, I am going to find something to do in marginalized communities, something.
Can you find an African-American church?
Dammit, this was the quote in the top right and now I want to barf again.
Please...Wesley...why can't I stay?
Fred, 'A Hole in the World'
Because fucking patriarchy, Fred.
I'm so sorry, Kalshane. I hope it's better than you expect.
Spidra, welcome back.
I don't want to be around any white people I don't know votes Dem, Like none. I am not going to church anymore, I am going to find something to do in marginalized communities, something.
I definitely want to get involved somehow, BLM, I don't know. I want specifically to support the work minorities are doing. And this is about me, not you, Rebecca, please don't take it as challenging how you feel or what you are going to do - I am ashamed of myself for taking the easy way out and not confronting probable Trump voters in my extended family. And so, the first simple (but not easy) step I can take is to come out to them. My mom will try to stop me (it's her side of the fam) but I'm not asking for permission or support from her. I am asking for it from my sibs but I will fully understand if they can't do it. And from there I hope to open up a larger conversation.
White people definitely suck.
White men doubly so. I see people like me - white men in their fifties+ - with suits and ties and they are just coded in my lizard brain as "The Enemy."
Getting in touch with my anger. Had to stifle the impulse to yell at some midwestern tourists to get out of my City and go home and eat Applebees. And it's not like they were wearing Trump hats or anything - pure mindless prejudice. But the anger's there.
Oh Kalshane that sucks. So sorry about the car but glad your wife and kid are ok!
Because nothing says "working together to stop the mayhem" like "I don't want to be around anyone who isn't like me and I really dislike that entire genre of people". Not like we've never heard anything like that before.
{{{{{Kalshane & family}}}}}}
Hi Spidra, welcome back.
David, not all mid-westerners are evil. I'm only a little evil. And my white-middle-aged brother was a big Hillary supporter.
I'm still trying to grasp the implications and some are too scary to think about.
But I guess my immediate thing is when the ACA is repealed does that mean everyone loses insurance right away...or is it an unknown thing. I'm trying not to panic but I need to figure this out and I don't know what to do...apply,don't bother
I've got sob uncontrollably xcovered.
I'm cool with rage, and at most every white person getting a major hate side eye today. It's going to take a few days before I crawl out of the Slough of Despond.
Be it rational or not, I feel the same pain and disbelief that I have when someone close to me has died.
I am just not ready to think positively yet.
It took me forever to fall asleep this morning. I have not taken an Ambien or Xanax, or anything remotely similar for over 11 months, but yesterday and today, I am grindingly, achingly jealous of anyone who can safely find temporary pharmaceutical oblivion.
I ate my feelings last night with my BFF, and had to resort to putting on a classical music ambient video to get my brain to calm down. They were pretty goddamn weak substitutes to combat election brain.
And one of the first things I did, after brushing my teeth, and making tea, was to block my great-aunt who was laughing at one of my "This is actively awful and painful" posts this morning. I'd unfollowed her a while ago, but it was all I could to to just block her, and rain down a perfect storm of Fuck You And The Racist Horse You Rode In On.