Someone on tumblr had a similar experience with the sequel to The First Wive's Club [maybe nsfw?]. [link]
Spoiler: there was no sequel to The First Wive's Club.
I loved the 80s Flash Gordon. It has the most earwormy theme song, though.
Which I'm now experiencing.
Darn it.
On the same channel, I ended up watching the tail end of Buckaroo Bonzai ... and I'm earwormed with its closing theme. Which is pretty perky.
{gazes longingly at Buckaroo Banzai movie poster on office wall}
Wherever you go, there you are!
I know why the watermelon was in the press!
Why, Connie? And great emoji usage, Tom!
My DVD special features says the watermelon was part of research in food for famine areas, but watermelons are not conducive to efficient air drops. So the Banzai Institute was doing research into making watermelon rinds tougher so that they would survive the drop. Hence the melon in the press for testing. But then they discovered that melons that don't burst on landing present another issue when being air dropped. The line of research was cancelled.
Remember the watermelon in Airplane that drops out of nowhere? Same watermelon. Trans-dimensional falling watermelon.