We have a heated bed for her, but she hasn't been using it during the summer. (It's pretty nifty -- it only turns on when the cat is in it, because the weight triggers it. And then it only goes up to whatever normal cat temperature is [103 degrees, maybe?].)
Oh, Steph, what is this and where did you get it? I've been wanting something like this. Leo is not old yet, but he loves lying in the heated spots, and I think he'd really appreciate it in the winter.
Ooh, HR just came in to ask pointed questions about my nemesis. Exciting!
Pointy! Fun.
Oh, hey, remember Dr. Special Snowflake from like two weeks ago who wanted his erratum to call out the names of the people who'd messed up on his paper? He's still being a nasty butthole. My boss refuses to deal with him. His last email, he's accusing my entire organization of being cowards. I am so over this shit. Just let me run the damn correction, you asshole, you are really not going to get heads on pikes. Like, seriously, he's never heard of a publication making a mistake before? He's never seen an erratum in a professional journal before? Has he never made a mistake before? I don't even feel bad about it anymore. I'm just angry and frustrated. There's literally nothing else I can do to satisfy him, so I just have to listen to him bitch and insult us until he's ready to sign off on the correction. Also, his hissy fit is holding up the September issue; if it goes on for another day or two, his correction will get moved to the October issue, and boy, he won't be happy about THAT, either, will he? Urrrgh.