Prescriptions refilled. I really shold do actual work work...
Mom says the quake knocked an icon off the wall at their place, but other than that they are fine. I think the Hayward fault runs pretty close to them although the epicenter was not right there. Seems to me that when they did have a quake centered nearby it was on that fault.
It's even hot here too. But it has been cooling off in the evening, so it's tolerable. Our AC at work seems to work harder the warmer it is, so my office is freezing. I think I may have to go outside to warm up.
The electricity bill is happier.
Our ancient kitty has taken to lying in the open bathroom window ALL DAY every day this summer. She doesn't seem to give a crap about the birds outside the window (of which there are many), so we think the heat feels good to her old bones, and breathing the humid air is good for her respiratory problem.
Our electric bill has taken somewhat of a hit for this habit (because the central air is still on even though the bathroom window is open), but...she's 18, you know? We want her to be comfortable and happy. (Or, alternatively, we got massively played by a 4-pound kitty.)
My dad started leaving a heating pad plugged in for Chaika to sleep on when she got up in the teens. She was a long-haired cat and she would lie on the heating pad and sweat (or something) enough that her fur would get felted. It must have felt really good to her.
I assume that's why my cats sleep on my phone wherever it is charging.
Even they are seeking shade the last few days.
My dad started leaving a heating pad plugged in for Chaika to sleep on when she got up in the teens. She was a long-haired cat and she would lie on the heating pad and sweat (or something) enough that her fur would get felted. It must have felt really good to her.
We have a heated bed for her, but she hasn't been using it during the summer. (It's pretty nifty -- it only turns on when the cat is in it, because the weight triggers it. And then it only goes up to whatever normal cat temperature is [103 degrees, maybe?].) She's either in the bathroom window, or on the dog's bed.
Gary's at work and I am here. Let's see how the day goes.
You got this!
Woo! for me. My sections of the 16 hours of testing is done and I passed all my sections. ePrescribing stuff. So far all of the other people's sections are going well too. Nerve wrecking and tons of detail. They are doing Labs now.
Ooh, HR just came in to ask pointed questions about my nemesis. Exciting!
So much smoke in the air. But a cold front is coming through tonight, should clear it out.
It's pretty nifty -- it only turns on when the cat is in it, because the weight triggers it. And then it only goes up to whatever normal cat temperature is [103 degrees, maybe?
Oh, neat! I got Jadzia some kind of bed that is supposed to retain the cat's heat, I think? It doesn't have power She hardly uses it, though, and only in the winter (that I've seen). Pixie is the one who is always on my phone, and I don't think she knows about the "heated" bed.
Just went for a walk and it is already uncomfortably warm. And smoky.