Yay, HR on the nemesis case.
Get a life, Dr. Special Snowflake.
You got this, Sheryl.
Got woken up at 2am thanks to a crazy storm blowing over the area - crazy thunder and at least one lightening strike that seemed to be directly above us. Now I'm feeling completely sleep deprived.
Self, stop reading the comments on articles about New Orleans. Yes, even the ones on NPR. Possibly especially the ones on NPR.
Only, what, two more weeks of 10-year anniversary coverage?
Had a bit of a scare today, my mom went to the ER with dizziness, light-headedness, and nausea. Tests couldn't find anything wrong so she's back home now, feeling somewhat better.
I just got a call from a friend who said she had gotten a panicked Facebook message from a friend of mine, R, wondering if I was okay. I haven't gotten a Facebook, phone or any other kind of message from R in months, and I haven't disappeared from Facebook, so WTF? He's been known in the past to leave a couple of phone messages for me and decide something had happened to me, without remembering that his phone was probably out of minutes, out of charge or lost. Then he calls friends of mine he barely knows and panics them. It's like he only remembers I exist every six months or so, and then thinks I should instantly appear. We used to be friends, but now it seems he only remembers I exist when he wants something.
Sorry. I had to rant somewhere.
Oh, no, Matt! I hope it was really nothing.
Ugh, Ginger, that's terrible.
I am so frustrated with my job. I think I'm going to go stand in the shower and cry. Maybe with a beer.
Glad it turned out okay, Matt.
Ginger, that's...bizarre. And irritating.
Steph, I endorse standing in the shower with a beer. The crying part is not good, obviously. Is it your boss again?