Suzi, thanks for maintaining that respectful Q&A space. Though I feel more confused than ever now!
I asked your cousin M. for his thoughts on Trump's use of Mexican and overseas factories for branded menswear, barware and furniture lines as well as the campaign trucker caps; if encouraging domestic industries and creating jobs for US workers is so important, it seems like an odd choice. Probably a sensible one in terms of the financial bottom line and profit margin, but it still seems dodgy to insist that we all need to be doing what he isn't even bothering to do himself (especially when all of Clinton's official campaign swag is US made.)
And his answer just makes me scratch my head: "It is, but as a business man, it makes sense to outsource, vs. building a factory that doesn't exist, or being taxed at over 30%. Big business is struggling in the US, and until he can take the wheel, it makes sense to outsource."
I'm not going to pursue it because he's really been super-nice and respectful (unsurprising in a person related to Suzi), but
If that was my candidate (especially if her opponent had made a *point* of doing the very thing she was insisting we all need to do but not doing herself), I'd be mightily P.O.'d, not shrugging and "oh, well"-ing it off.
Makes me feel like I've been trying to work out a math puzzle with someone and either one of us has just completely missed a step that's obvious to the other one, or we're actually working on two totally different puzzles and don't realize it.
Cereal: Sue, that both sucks and makes no sense at all. Boo!
M isn't my cousin, just a friend. S, who just started commenting, is married to a cousin.
Makes me feel like I've been trying to work out a math puzzle with someone and either one of us has just completely missed a step that's obvious to the other one, or we're actually working on two totally different puzzles and don't realize it.
Completely. Yes, from a purely business standpoint, outsourcing helps the bottom line. But from a business ethics and morals standpoint it is more complicated. Many, many businesses who outsourced got burned by public opinion and have since brought those jobs back. (Current area of study in my grad program).
There are many things Trump does because they aren't inherently illegal - working the tax system to pay zero taxes (assumed), outsourcing, bankruptcy, blind trusts - but says that once he is president he will make many of those illegal or create incentives for the opposite actions or something "huge, great, terrific".
Dana, that skirt is calling your name. It wants to come home to you.
Toddson, I need
to have THAT skirt.
Timelies all!
Went to dance practice last night(it was my turn). Not that I was going to watch the debate if I was home, but I was out.
We do the vast majority of our grocery shopping at a Safeway that's a couple of miles away. It usually has a good selection of the things we need. Occasionally I'll stop at a Giant that's near my work, but only for non-perishables, as I go to pick up the little guy from daycare afterwards.
Toddson, I need someone to have THAT skirt.
There's someone who wears that skirt, or a similar one, to the dance party at Vividcon every year. It's pretty delightful.
As someone who firmly believes that the government should NOT be run like a business (and further, that capitalism is kind of evil), I do at least understand why someone who holds the opposite belief doesn't agree with me. I think they're wrong, but at least I get where they're coming from.
Thinking Trump is a good businessman, on the other hand...
While I was driving home, called in response to a support request I'd sent in. They agreed to call back in an hour. It's now been an hour and a half.
I'm never going to hear from them again, am I.
So I was delighted to meet Olympian Carl Lewis. He came by a tiny Clinton headquarters in the hood to talk to maybe a dozen volunteers. He had a very interesting life story about his parents involvement in civil rights and his long relationship with Hillary. He apparently is traveling all over the country giving pep talks to volunteers and doing other things for the campaign. That level of organization by Clinton gives me hope.
Guys, how are so many people just unaware of basic facts??? HOW??? We're not in some sort of crisis of violence against the police, FFS.
A LOT, if not an actual majority, of people in the US get what passes for information solely from network news, which has been a marathon of murderous police and rioting protesters lately. Actual violent crime statistics have been on the downward trend for years, but if you're only watching the yellow journalism on television you'll be left with the impression that we live in the setting from Escape from New York.