I'm beginning to organize getting movers scheduled. And I'm getting thoughts of "I can't have movers in, the house is a mess! And what will the junk haulers think about how dirty the place is?"
Yes, I'm becoming worried about being judged by people whose job it is to haul away people's junk.
Their judgment, I predict, will be along the lines of "look at this awesome stuff we just scored!"
Going through paperwork to throw out, I found the letter the IRS sent us that time they thought we owed them $18,000. (We didn't. It's funny now.)
How do we feel about IKEA mattresses for a spare room bed?
As long as you don't have to build bedframes from IKEA...
My faux niece has decided she wants to become a librarian. I think she would actually be good at it and enjoy it. She wants to talk to an actual librarian to find out what she needs to do. Are there any resources and/or people the hivemind could recommend? She's a bright kid who loves books and reading. Also telling people to ssshhhhh.
we had a twin mattress from them for mac and liked it.
Haven't heard anything terrible about IKEA mattresses...
I just really should replace the spare before my parents visit (mom request) and am looking at the options.