comment on how "I knew what I was doing". Ummm, taking my shoes off, pulling out my computer and liquids, and emptying my pockets? Yes, such talent and knowledge needed.
I'm confused by how often I see people who are shocked, SHOCKED by the regulations. I feel like, even if you haven't flown since 9/11, haven't you heard that there are crazy rules now? And maybe looked into what they are?
Yeah, but the crazy rules are for the people who might be terrorists, not them. They have a good reason for wanting to take their gun onto the plane in their carryon bag.
Movers are gone! I have my paperwork and there's cleaning to do, but right now I'm shoving lunch in my face.
They have a good reason for wanting to take their gun onto the plane in their carryon bag.
Now that would be crazy! Mostly it's just full-sized bottles of shampoo.
Apparently, the guns get on the planes just fine.
In taking Mac to airport yesterday I saw: full size lotion, not removing baseball hat, woman wearing bodysuit that was looking like something underneath it on the body scan and she could not just lift a shirt to show nothing there, woman with inches of metal bracelets not removing them before scan, family with water- it's all ridiculous they should all know.
There was an article in the NY Times a few months ago about how there's been an increase recently in people getting caught trying to bring a gun on a plane in a carry-on, and how a lot of the people say that they just carry the gun all the time and forgot that they had it with them.
I was thinking of the story about how the TSA has failed a ridiculous percentage (like 80%?) of the gun-in-luggage tests recently.
Nobody quibbled about my CPAP machine. Maybe they all recognized what it was.
I was truly embarrassed when I had a grapefruit knife in my purse when going to the courthouse once. Totally forgot it was in there. When he asked if I had a knife in my purse I was shocked. When I emptied it out and we saw the culprit he laughed and didn't even make me leave it with them.