Oh good grief. Dr. Snowflake just sent a chiding email to me - only to me - scolding me for not answering his emails. My last email to him was last Thursday, telling him what we're going to do to fix the mess we made. His last email to me was last Friday, asking again questions I've already answered. It's been TWO business days since then. I don't even have the proof of his correction to send him yet! FFS. It's past time my boss started handling this guy.
Plus, I just learned today that we have another incorrect figure that got into print - part b of a figure was overwritten with similar-looking part a. Author didn't notice in his proof, I didn't notice in the proofread. What the hell. And of course, this author also wants us to correct the online version, which, again, we can't do.
This journal hasn't had to run an erratum in literally years, and suddenly I have to run two in one issue. And the art people who are screwing up aren't even going to be made aware they're screwing up, because no one wants to take responsibility for talking to their little two-man department.
I'm sick at my stomach over all this.
My sister's boyfriend just took her to the hospital for "some weird heart thing", according to my niece. She's had a heart arrhythmia for several years; normally takes her meds and doesn't pay it much mind. For her to go to the hospital is worrying. Any ~ma would be appreciated.
Oh, my sister just texted me with "Love u." Now I'm terrified.
best of luck to her zen.
I have to be up before 7am tomorrow. Because I have to be coherent on the phone at 7am. Do not want. Also, I have started playing lots of solitaire on my phone/iPad. Which is entertaining but feels very useless and wasteful. I mean, at least if I read, I've read a book?
Heart~ma to sister of Zen.
Hospital is keeping sister overnight. Don't know whether to be less worried or more, but glad she's under observation. Stupid meat parts, wearing out before we're finished with them.
I want so badly to drop all my work on my boss tomorrow and drive across the state to see my sister.
Oh, Zen. Love and ~ma to you and your sister.
Hi, folks. Sorry I haven't been posting much, but I'm here and reading, bearing witness, as it were.
Hugs to those who want them.
Heart~ma for your sister, Zen.
Shrift, sorry I didn't see your DSL cable woes earlier. I'm pretty sure I have a couple of those stashed here somewhere.
I hope your sister is ok, zen. Sisters are important!
I picked up a half-case of wine at BevMo tonight for my sister, because I've been here for 3 weeks and I'm eating a lot of their food and drinking a lot of their wine and hitching rides to work with my BIL and I'm sure they're getting tired of me. And five minutes after I got home with my bag o wine, my sister walked in--with six bottles of wine.
... we might possibly spend too much time together.
ION, I made a very tasty dish tonight! Cucumbers with avocado and grilled shrimp. Chop up three cukes and an avocado and an orange. Throw another avocado in the blender with some orange juice. Grill the shrimp (or buy it cooked). Combine everything with some olive oil, salt & pepper. NOM. Thank you, Mark Bittman!