Mac to band camp
Electricians at my house for work
Get outfit together
Mac from band camp
Grocery store with mac for GISHWHES stuff I need him to take a picture of me
Fence people at house
Made up for another GISHWHES picture
Mac to reading class
Errand to $$ store for GISHWHES items
Errand to Home Depot for other GISHWHES task
Mac from reading class
Return item to Home Depot
Start bread for GISHWHES
Bake bread
pack Mac for trip (leaves tomorrow, early morning flight) to Uncle Gary's
HAHA Zen - not that kind of fence people.
There was getting food, making food, and eating during the day too.
The bread did not happen, I guess that is for tomorrow after work.
I'm thinking up meals to make to a) use more food in the pantry, and b) not have to use any of kitchen items I'm taking with me to prepare and eat them on Thursday.
I will start separating kitchen items tonight and also start packing suitcases.
Don't be like me and discover that you need your can opener only after it's far too late to find it.
Bought so many cheap can openers that way.
Helpful tips!
I realized that I had grabbed the most recent Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, so I'm happily watching that while I eat.
Nevermind, but still, THANK YOU!!!!
When I moved, even though it was just across town, a friend filled a grocery bag with disposable dishes, paper towels, wipes, scissors, tape,camp can opener and a wine opener. It was quite helpful!
Oh and on that twitter thing, you can do it once per day for the rest of the week. You can also post it on instagram. thanks.
I realized I could drop my ballot off at a drop box (drop VAN actually, it was just stationed outside a community center), so I did that. It took me past the hardware store, which I needed to go to anyway.
Now it's 7:30, I'm fed, I fixed the toilet, and I have a glass of wine, courtesy my roommate. Life could be worse.
Took Walter for a brisk walk (I maybe could have run and stayed in the the right heart rate zone, but I didn't wear running shoes, so that didn't happen) that was very pleasant (the radio told me when I was heading home that the weather was "unusually pleasant" by the way, and it is!). Went past the police station, as we generally do, where they had a banner out for Nat'l Night Out, but the actual event is on the other side of town and i don't think I'm gonna bother. It's too close to my bed time for all that.