Yellow walls and blue and white cabinets are reminiscent of Provence.
The shop was a big selling point when we bought this house. It has built in shelves on the back walls, windows, built-in work benches and shelves underneath, and a *loft*, with a drop-down ladder. Outlets every six feet along the walls, and at the moment, four big fluorescent fixtures, and an exhaust fan in the loft. It's 10" by 20", and believe me I've thought about putting in a small bath and galley kitchen and using it as a guest cottage, or my own private hideaway. But then we'd have to get another shed to hold all the power tools that aren't currently being used anymore, the christmas tree and ornaminks, the rest of the junque that's stored in there.
That would be a huge selling point for me too!
My beloved would have loved a shed like that.
I kinda want to take a walk in this storm. Probably shouldn't, huh?
Sheds have not air conditioning and plumbing.
They can. My shed does not, but my house does not have air conditioning, either. I think about adding plumbing to the shed, but it's lower priority than a lot of other potential projects. It does have electricity, some built in shelves and a workbench (all made of iron, I assume an ironworker lived here at some point, there is a LOT of iron in and around my house). And, I am told, a really high quality cement floor. The ceiling is just tin (or something that looks like tin) but the walls are pretty thick and it stays fairly cool in the summer time. Definitely one of the big reasons we bought this particular house.
I should really confirm that I have clean underwear for tomorrow before I go to bed, but I am very tired. I probably do, right? I'm almost positive.
They really do. And it's amazing how few of them you actually need. I've been living at my sister's house for 3 weeks, and aside from a few toiletries, I've been getting by fine with about 10% of my clothing, and none of my books. (Although I do have my computer, ipod, and cellphone. And my sister has a fully-equipped kitchen.)
I think because I travel so much I recognize how little I "need"...but I still have so much crap.
I kinda want to take a walk in this storm. Probably shouldn't, huh?
I got an alert on my phone when I was out this afternoon and didn't make it inside before that one hit. Got completely soaked, but given that it was 90 or 100 something just prior to the storm, I didn't mind that much since I didn't see any of the hail.
I was in CVS waiting out the hail this afternoon. There were enough branches on the sidewalks after that one to make every dog in Edgewater happy. Everyone gets a stick to carry!
there is a LOT of iron in and around my house
to keep the fae out maybe