Streaming 1: There Goes the Weekend
A place for shows presented as streaming only — for example Netflix Originals, Amazon Prime Streaming, Hulu Plus, Yahoo, and other sites. (Note: Shows that are part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe shall be discussed in that thread.)
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In the cold light of day, I can see that there is a good possibility that Lucius makes it to the Island. One of the reasons I found it so upsetting was that it seemed like Blackbeard would just not come back from that. And mostly what I want is Blackbeard and Stede happy together!
Autocorrect wants Stede to be Steve as well!
One of the reasons I found it so upsetting was that it seemed like Blackbeard would just not come back from that.
Yeah--the show's made it so explicit how much
relies on that thin but very bright line--he'll maim, he'll torture, he'll set an entire ship on fire and row away, he'll have people killed on his orders, but since that night as a miserable tween he has never himself, with his own bare hands, ended anyone's life (which is a totally bullshit distinction, but that shabby compromise is all he's come up with in order to live with himself).
If Lucius is really dead, he's killed again, with his own two hands, very very deliberately. I don't see how the character or the narrative can recover from that.
So, Lucius is out there treading water and waiting for someone to turn up, or he's in the walls of the ship, maybe with Jim sneaking him a little hardtack and a cup of water through a broken board whenever they can get away with it. I think. I hope.
And mostly what I want is Blackbeard and Stede happy together!
Please? At least all the showrunners seem committed to the romance narrative and to rejecting all the queer trauma and suffering tropes, which would make it really really difficult for them to justify killing off a sweet snarky noodle like Lucius.
Blackbeard killing Lucius (or trying to kill him/thinking he's killed him) was the most upsetting thing about the finale, absolutely. Even if Lucius survives (and I do think he did, because the alternative is a lot darker than this show seems to want to be), the fact is that Blackbeard pushed him off the boat fully intending for him to die. Unless he also made sure there was a dinghy waiting there for Lucius to climb into, that is a really terrible thing he did, and one that Stede would find it extremely hard to forgive, regardless of whether or not the attempt was successful.
I have high confidence that Lucius is not dead, but also:
Even if Lucius survives (and I do think he did, because the alternative is a lot darker than this show seems to want to be), the fact is that Blackbeard pushed him off the boat fully intending for him to die. Unless he also made sure there was a dinghy waiting there for Lucius to climb into, that is a really terrible thing he did, and one that Stede would find it extremely hard to forgive, regardless of whether or not the attempt was successful.
Yes. I want to see this addressed (and not written off as yet another terrible-things-keep-happening-to-Lucius gag, because dear LORD hasn't that boy been through enough?)
(Mostly I just want S2 any way I can get it.)
Adding my yes to the pile--I don't think he's dead, but the
was a very real, very intentional crossing of the line Ed had never allowed himself to cross before, and it's got to be reckoned with. He never really reckoned with how he also came within a few inches of killing Stede (but not, thanks inadvertently to Lucius); they just mutually agreed to pretend it never happened, and as long as the terrible thing being planned doesn't happen after all, whether by counterplan or sheer blind accident, Ed just drops it down an oubliette and it's gone.
I really, really hope they address it.
Oh friends.
I watched the first couple eps of OFMD when they came out and then kinda drifted away because I never ever watch hardly anything anymore, and then the ENORMOUS AVALANCHE of slashy as fuck fan art broke through my consciousness, so I restarted from the beginning and
I watched the entire damn series in a day, when I was supposed to be cleaning and cooking for passover. I haven't felt this gushy gooey tears of joy OMG it's so beautiful OMG it's so tragic tears of pain conflicted OMG ending they have to make it right, right, RIGHT Poor Lucius poor Stede poor Ed dammit Ed be better yay Olu yay Jim yay Olu-and-Jim let me grow up to be Jim's nana basically just plain joyously fannish about show in, shit, I dunno, years.
And then I came here and found exactly the kind of loving smart fandom I've also missed.
That was, indeed, a fuckery.
Hi, beloved fellow amy! Isn't it wonderful?
I don't think the fanart even counts as slashy if it's all actual text, maybe? My heart keeps growing many sizes just looking at little LGBTQ young'uns all over the internet freaking out with happiness that they were finally getting a show where it wasn't just teased and hinted at without becoming canon, where the showrunners didn't make barely-veiled promises and then shrug and say, "Oops, well, you've always got your fanfic, kids," where it was just matter-of-fact straight up the
entire plot and driving force and reason the show even existed.
They're so happy! I'm so happy for them! And also so happy that it's just so fucking great and heartfelt and deeply romantic and, while being queer as it can possibly be, also totally inclusively welcoming and open to absolutely anyone who wants to fall for it.
I too watched in a day. On Easter. Where I also spent time with family and watched three hours of Columbo.
It is one of those shows where I am both in love with it, and the story, and everything, and in awe of the craft. I am inside it, and yet admiring it. I can’t tumblr, so I am missing most discussion (tumblr discussion doesn’t feel like a back and forth to me, so more just reading).
With regard to Lucius’s state, remember I was the one who was convinced for at least a day after Season 5 of Buffy that they would continue Buffy without BUFFY!
I keep trying to pick a favorite crew member, and I just love them all. I love how Black Pete sort of continues to be terrible and boastful, but sweet with Lucius. I do just love Lucius (although why he had an inexplicably different shirt in one episode near the end confuses me). Olu is just sort of perfection. I would keep forgetting about Frenchie for a minute, and then, there he was- doing something interesting.
And MR. BUTTONS- I can’t believe Calico Jack killed his gull friend. And I wanted Olivia (the gull wife/girlfriend) to peck him to death! (He sort of reminds me of Richardson from Deadwood, but smarter).
That is a big cast of characters, and they did a good job!