Dan and I went to dinner because we had a showing at 6. We were getting up and I was talking about how I had to catch up on "Sleepy Hollow" and he said, "Oh, there's a new SPN tonight."
I was all "Really? I thought it didn't come back till February? Huh."
And then it hit me, and I was all "Oh! Oh. Oh." And I sat down again. Dan was "What?" and I just looked at him and said "ita will never see it."
I'm so glad he gets it. He followed her SPN Tumblr BEFORE I knew he followed SPN Tumblrs, and he showed me something one day, and I cracked up, because I was like "That's my friend ita's Tumblr! She made B.org!"
It's okay. ita lives in the internet now; she can stream it.
I love you so much right now, Kiba.
It's okay. ita lives in the internet now; she can stream it.
dammit, still not done crying, apparently
Thanks kiba.
While my kids get it when I have an ita!moment, it isn't enough. Not sure what would be.
It's okay. ita lives in the internet now; she can stream it.
I love you so much right now, Kiba.
A few more tears. But, much, much love.
I still feel like I've been punched in the heart
This. And I'm struggling with a part of myself that can't let go; that still can't believe she's really gone.
I don't think I've actually cried. I thought I had moved too quickly to acceptance but I think I actually just fell way down the denial hole. I don't think any of this real. She'll start posting again soon.
PC, I've been feeling much the same way.
I think in recent years I've encountered her the most in Movies and I was so wary of clicking in there last week and now it's active again and at some point it's just going to hit me that she's not posting in there.