I'm sorry too. I was with my mom and finally told her about ita... Add my mother to the list of people who was very fond of a woman she had never actually met (they had spoken on the phone on 2001 when I could get internet connections but no phone. Mommy was webless and ita called her for me.)
She sends her love to you all.
It was wonderful to be there, for the short time I was able to be there.
It was wonderful to be there, for the short time I was able to be there.
Also this. I'm sorry I had to leave early! It was good seeing people while I was online, though.
I think it was great so many people signed in to the hangout-- thanks Shir for spearheading that. (Apologies for any spottiness of the connection with chez bon Bob.)
Bob Bob was an absolute riot. Such a charming host.
I'm sorry I didn't sit down and chat with everyone more. I'm so glad you were there.
So nice to see everyone. Sorry I couldn't chat more with those present (physically and virtually). Chasing the almost two year old around. Had silly fun with Burrell's funny kids. Thank you for hosting, bon bon!
Yes thank you bon bon, it was a very welcome chance to catch up and relax and reminisce. And all the wee ones were so cute! Both Ford and N (not sure if you've used his name here, but I know GC has). I miss the younger stages.
It was so, so good to see everyone, and thank you bon bob for hosting the physical meeting.
I'm sorry I had to leave so soon, but it was getting really late here. I was kindda half asleep when it started.
It's not the place to discuss this, but I am happy to organize video chats on a monthly basis. Stompies, please let me know where to take it to.
I'm sorry that I missed today's chat. I'd be up for joining others. Thanks for organizing, Shir.
Today I rolled my ankle on broken sidewalk and skinned my knee. My ankle seems to be fine, although my knee will have some entertaining road rash for a few days. The injury mostly was to my dignity. While I was walking it off, I realized that I would have taken a picture of it so ita could look at it.