It was great to hear and see everyone. Really great. Thanks for organizing, Shir and bon bon and bob bob.
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
I mean, it's still happening for people who haven't joined yet! I'm just heading home.
yes, people can join. wen are mostly being silent and watching the event, but we can chat.
Thank you so much to Shir for setting that up. It was so nice to see some familiar faces and to "meet" some new people. I wish it had been under better circumstances. The chat is still going strong, but for me, its time to sleep. Goodnight all!
Yes, Shir thank you. It was a very nice thing to do
I've finally caught up in this thread and am about to go back to the Google+. The dog and life got in the way for a bit.
As for memories, ita joined me and others the night before the LA marathon to ingest pasta for my carb loading meal. I had met her at a couple of the F2F events, but it was special to me that she and others took time to share a table and encouragement for the race. And I was sure I had pictures, but I can't find them. I will find them.
So good to see people and hear their voices! And everyone looked so very good and dear and so gladsome to my eyes, but Zen especially is so gorgeous I almost got tongue-tied looking at her.
It really was lovely to lurk in plain sight.
I found myself getting just as sad as I would have at a 3 dimensional reception and just as charmed by being with people I like so very much.
Cagney made an appearance, too.
Many thanks to Shir for organizing and as many apologies for the technical struggle.
Thank you so much to Shir for organizing. It was wonderful to be there, for the short time I was able to be there.
For all who said we should do things like that more regularly, we should.
I'm sorry I missed it. Today was a regular workday for me.