It’s so amazing to see everyone, and so wonderful and sad to hear your ita stories.
I’ve kept up with COMM and Apocalypse over the years, and I feel like I’ve gotten a movie-trailer version of your lives (Establishing shot, Clever Quip, EXPLOSION!, “NOOOooo!”) and I’ve sent interview-ma, etc as directed, and I’ve never doubted that this place would be here when I came looking for it. This board is an amazingly sturdy thing, and I plan to do more to help maintain it in the future.
Through lucky chance, I’m seeing both Nutty and Jesse for the first time in months this week. I’m so grateful for all the people I’ve met on the board and then in person, for the music and books and opinions you’ve introduced me to, and especially for ita, because she helped make it all possible and because her existence made the cool, amazing things that happen in the world seem a lot more plausible. It’s not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer and can kill you with her pinky. ita was all of those.
I need hours and hours to try to properly put into words the relationship I had with such a wonderful and complicated person as ita. Instead I've been using my hours to read all the wonderful details of the relationships she had with all of you. It's time well-spent.
Ellen so good to see you.
DC F2F was my first (out of 2). I probably was not at my best at the F2F, but it means a lot that I got to seee so many of you in person.
I do so much better socially when it's online and I can rewrite and rewrite and then post and flail about in private where no one can see me.
ita: Dare you to tell me I can't.
But askye, I loved showing you around San Francisco and you were just beaming and happy.
And I remember going to a big Somervillain get-together (probably at Jon B's) and happily massaging Ellen's shoulders while we all watched the TV. (It wasn't creepy I swear! Right, Ellen? Right?!)
I loved being in SF! It was such an amazing experience and I really was ready to move there.
Meeting everyone there was amazing. My dad was so awesome for letting me tag along with him on that trip.
I felt like a little country mouse in the big city.
Will has been through there on a training thing and he wants to go back. At some point we'll figure out how to make it happen.
David - My shoulders are notorious massage-cadgers. I'm glad they were playing it cool that night and not seeming too desperate.
I'm glad they were playing it cool that night and not seeming too desperate.
Well you did come down and sit directly at my feet, sort of like a puppy putting its nose through the newspaper. But I was glad to do it and it is a happy memory.
I found this in the BRQG, and while I vaguely remember it, I don't remember the story behind it, but I can't stop laughing:
Juliana: Didn't ita make out with Carrot Top once?
I just saw him naked.