ita: Dare you to tell me I can't.
But askye, I loved showing you around San Francisco and you were just beaming and happy.
And I remember going to a big Somervillain get-together (probably at Jon B's) and happily massaging Ellen's shoulders while we all watched the TV. (It wasn't creepy I swear! Right, Ellen? Right?!)
I loved being in SF! It was such an amazing experience and I really was ready to move there.
Meeting everyone there was amazing. My dad was so awesome for letting me tag along with him on that trip.
I felt like a little country mouse in the big city.
Will has been through there on a training thing and he wants to go back. At some point we'll figure out how to make it happen.
David - My shoulders are notorious massage-cadgers. I'm glad they were playing it cool that night and not seeming too desperate.
I'm glad they were playing it cool that night and not seeming too desperate.
Well you did come down and sit directly at my feet, sort of like a puppy putting its nose through the newspaper. But I was glad to do it and it is a happy memory.
I found this in the BRQG, and while I vaguely remember it, I don't remember the story behind it, but I can't stop laughing:
Juliana: Didn't ita make out with Carrot Top once?
I just saw him naked.
Polgara - good to see your pixels here. Thank you for all you have done/are doing.
IIRC it was in Vegas.
I bought a Clinique Almost Lipstick in Black Honey today. I managed not to tell the Ulta salesperson why. (Did you know they don't even make Almost Lipstick anymore, except for in Black Honey? I assume they tried discontinuing it once and people revolted.)
Did you know they don't even make Almost Lipstick anymore, except for in Black Honey?
Which is funny because ita bemoaned the fact (quite rightly) that they didn't do a real lipstick in the color.
Not ita, but I'm taking solace in old threads and we're so consistently funny that we don't even bother to COMM half our stuff. To wit:
Jesse: Should I apply for a job I think I'm probably underqualified for (both on paper and in real life), but which could be really cool, and pays a TON of money?
Scola: Pimp?
Jesse: Tom, how did you know??
Scola: Elementary, my dear Jesse! What job is cooler and makes as good money as pimping?
brenda: And you can't beat the dress code.
Hayden: But I hear it ain't easy.
Scola: Maybe, but do most pimps have Masters degrees? I think not. Jesse is overqualified!
Jesse - Sadly, my degree is not in the pimpular arts, hence the "underqualified on paper" thing.