"Summer makes me feel like I'm off life-support and am breathing on my own.
I know I'm sick, but I especially like a New Orleans summer, where the wind is wet and caresses you without cooling you down. I crave that hot blast of air that rises off the tarmac and slams into you when you deplane in Jamaica. I especially love thunderstorms that don't drop the temperature below 75, so you can stay outdoors in them, and dry off under the sun after them (because they are always brief)."
I keep waiting for ita to argue with me about Black Widow in Natter. Man.
on Joss
"If that mean man makes me cry again, I'm telling my mummy."
I did get home ok, Kat. They'll let you through security without ID, you just have to get extra pay downs.
"Spike's going to die. And we don't even get a pretty corpse to mourn over."
Thank goodness, meara. That was an arduous trek there and back.
I keep waiting for ita to argue with me about Black Widow in Natter. Man.
Even her wrongness is missed. Or the surety of her POV.
she was really afraid they would kill Spike
"Maybe Spike could be spun off into his own series where he does evil and mocks the good guys. And the other bad guys.
whimper he's so dust in the wind"
"JM's spinoff can be set in the 70s and 80s. Well, mostly the 70s, because I do not want to see him with his New Romantic hairdo."
"I enjoyed high school
But I was in a good year, in a strange school. Where we were unashamed to have the worst hockey team (I was left wing) in the league, because we spent entirely too much time doing silly things like working out the math of the general theory of relativity during lunch hours, or taking extra classes just for the sake of knowing more.
I'd have hated to be in my class and not be obsessed with book learning. But I was."
"I went to an all girls school too from 11 till 18, and I can't imagine what co-ed schools are like. The only thing I missed out on was how weird the genders could act with each other. In the meanwhile, I could study all the math and physics and computers I wanted, and no one ever implied that it was gender-inappropriate behaviour.
So when I got to university and was one of two women in my year of Comp Sci, it didn't matter to me, and it never occurred to me it might matter to anyone else."