"I enjoyed high school
But I was in a good year, in a strange school. Where we were unashamed to have the worst hockey team (I was left wing) in the league, because we spent entirely too much time doing silly things like working out the math of the general theory of relativity during lunch hours, or taking extra classes just for the sake of knowing more.
I'd have hated to be in my class and not be obsessed with book learning. But I was."
"I went to an all girls school too from 11 till 18, and I can't imagine what co-ed schools are like. The only thing I missed out on was how weird the genders could act with each other. In the meanwhile, I could study all the math and physics and computers I wanted, and no one ever implied that it was gender-inappropriate behaviour.
So when I got to university and was one of two women in my year of Comp Sci, it didn't matter to me, and it never occurred to me it might matter to anyone else."
"Just today my father tsk-tsked me for having pizza at 11am. As I tried to rationalize it by explaining it was home-made, he rationalized it by calling it brunch, and both of us calmly ignored the fact I left home (well, it left me) over 10 years ago.
Honestly, I've faced more peer pressure outside of high school and college than I did in either. All I had to do in HS was follow some explicit rules, overachieve academically, do a sport, and some charity work. All I had to do in university was graduate.
Now I have to dress this way, act that way, follow this schedule, meet these expectations . . . . and it comes from all angles, family, acquaintances, co-workers.
I'm pretty good at blocking it all, but I resent having to use the cycles to do it. And perhaps, as a result, I seem to attract teenaged girls who don't fit in. Which is fine by me. I know I had it easy."
"I flirt with a vengeance, as long as I'm not interested in the guy. Innuendo without intent, that is my forte.
I am very accident prone. Anyone seen The Tall Guy? That ER where Thompson works was my ER. Quite the klutz, before the martial arts took me.
The first time I split my chin open was an incident involving machisma, a guy to be impressed, a brick fireplace, and a wooden wheeled giraffe. To think I was only 3.
I'm much better at food preparation, because kitchens are hallowed (well, they're no libraries, but you see what I'm going for)."
"My oldest scar is a forceps scar on my forehead. My mother, always on the ball, refused to pay the hospital bill. And got away with it. My sister also has a forceps scar. She was half price."
"Okay, you guys are mad, bad, and dangerous to know."
"We are quite the little community. That Joss can never visit."
"The sky is clear, the birds are singing, and it's Tuesday.
I choose to believe I will still love Spike this time tomorrow.
I am strong. I will survive."
"Who knew the internet would make me cooler?"
Oh my gosh, Ailleann, I am so sorry about your sister.