I updated my mailchimp list today and had to delete Ginger's address.
Such a mundane thing...and so, so sad.
'Objects In Space'
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
I updated my mailchimp list today and had to delete Ginger's address.
Such a mundane thing...and so, so sad.
Ginger is still a maintainer of the b.org master address list. I haven't been able to delete her.
Still have both her email and phone in my contacts list. And StE's, too.
I still have my dad in my phone contacts. The last I checked the line was still disconnected as well.
I have a few names that I haven't removed or renamed including ita and Ginger, but I did change Mom & Marlin to just Marlin because step-dad calls me often and it was just too much to always see Mom calling me. That was hard to edit.
I began to worry that a relative or friend might still receive her email and it just seemed weird to send 'hey, here's my new thing!' mail.
I want ita to see this, dammit! Paul Gross, silver fox
Paul Gross, silver fox
:swoon again:
I know, right? Who knew? On glorious display in Alias Grace. My heart may have skipped an actual, literal beat.
My little sister went to Jamaica this past with with my elderly uncle.
I asked her to have a QUALITY rum drink there in ita's memory, and she and my uncle both did so. And said a prayer, since they're believers, which was so sweet.
Not gonna lie, I shed a tear when I got the text and pic.