I began to worry that a relative or friend might still receive her email and it just seemed weird to send 'hey, here's my new thing!' mail.
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
I want ita to see this, dammit! Paul Gross, silver fox
Paul Gross, silver fox
:swoon again:
I know, right? Who knew? On glorious display in Alias Grace. My heart may have skipped an actual, literal beat.
My little sister went to Jamaica this past with with my elderly uncle.
I asked her to have a QUALITY rum drink there in ita's memory, and she and my uncle both did so. And said a prayer, since they're believers, which was so sweet.
Not gonna lie, I shed a tear when I got the text and pic.
When I added my currently reading book today to Goodreads I was advised that Ginger has it on her to read list. You get hit when you aren't expecting it sometimes.
There are so many "On This Day" Facebook posts that Ginger commented on. But I'm actually really grateful for them. I love reading her comments all over again. (Everyone else's comments, too, FTR.)
Goddamn Facebook reminded me that Ginger went into hospice 2 years ago.
Me too Teppy.
Linked In keeps inviting me to connect with her.