Our cabin steward was from Jamaica, and his last name is Anderson. Even knowing that it's a common Jamaican last name, I had to ask. He didn't know her.
'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
In full moving freak out mode, I opened a box to see what was in it. Saw some old printed out fic on top and decided to recycle it. As I went to drop it in the bin, I realized it was ita's Mary Sue fic with Spike. Cue literal gasping for breath and putting it back, and then needing to have a lie down on the tile floor and feel all the feelings.
Mountain of suck.
She came up for me in my LinkedIn endorsement recommendations.
She came up for me in my LinkedIn endorsement recommendations.
Mine, too. For just a moment I forgot.
Dear ita,
Today I found myself missing you because you would have found me the best Norman Reedus porn. You were selfless like that.
I've been following the amazing journey of a local self taught young photog & activist, Devin Allen.@byDVNLLN on twitter. I wish she could see this. I don't really speak the language of camera, but his stuff...
Today I am missing ita, because I am convinced she probably had at least one vaguely entertaining and snarky story about Canada's new PM designate.
Oh man. I bet she did.
Yeah, she would.
And I bet we could have convinced her to make a sexy politicians subsite, too.