Allyson, what was the ita quote from today, if you recall? I am telling a friend about her.
My brain is Jell-O soup, so forgive me if I botch it:
The bitterness of poor quality will soon replace the sweetness of a low price.
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
Allyson, what was the ita quote from today, if you recall? I am telling a friend about her.
My brain is Jell-O soup, so forgive me if I botch it:
The bitterness of poor quality will soon replace the sweetness of a low price.
It's not their ita and that's fine.
Tonight, I packed some tschotskies that undid my friend and I got the backstory. I might be the only one to know the whole story. And that hit home. It was a story 3 gen back.When we're gone, it's left to others to tell our story. And it won't be perfect or right and things will be forgotten, but it's not the beloveds' fault. If we're lucky, it's because there are so many stories to tell, many only to be told by the departed, which means they are lost.
And it sucks, but you cherish what you can have. And I'm maudlin and shit.
It's not their ita and that's fine.
She was slightly different to all who knew her.
The things that they are willing to part with due to a lack of sentimentality for every thing or just being overwhelmed, we are grateful because we can maybe now have a tangible thing that we know is from ita. Reminds us. Brings us together.
I'm glad we're all somehow together even hating the why.
I just realized why I felt like I wanted to be Nanita here. The last three letters of my name.
Man, that hit me so hard when I reconized it that I fell back onto the couch, heaving.
Oh honey.
I kind of wish I had sent her things more lasting than Ting and Champaign Cola, but those were the things she wanted at that time. I do have some shoes she sent me.
Man, that hit me so hard when I reconized it that I fell back onto the couch, heaving.
I'm sorry, Nanita. I had an ugly crying session just last night because I read something sad, and it just set me off.
I found an ankh for you, Jilli.
Oh G-d. Thank you. I suspect it will be added to the talisman necklace.
I nearly lost it when poking around the TV threads a little while back and finding that ita had been watching Sleepy Hollow, and that I agreed with pretty much all of her comments on the show. I didn't know she was watching it too! I wish I'd been here talking about it with her.
[Typed before coffee, apologies for incoherence]
Thank you for doing this hard task, Polgara and Allyson and Burrell and moji and everyone else involved. I am glad it was better than you thought it'll be.
I nearly lost it when poking around the TV threads a little while back and finding that ita had been watching Sleepy Hollow, and that I agreed with pretty much all of her comments on the show. I didn't know she was watching it too! I wish I'd been here talking about it with her.
Back in the days I still lurked and didn't participate (2007, I think), when Nilly was trying to get me fixed on this community, I wrote her the following in email:
"Oh wow. I simply admire ita. Here's a woman who has my opinion on almost everything, and is able to write it so much better, so much more eloquently". Nilly's response was: "welcome to the club, darling. Everyone admire ita".
I am trying to remember who I have already given Vampire People to so I can now give copies to everyone else I know to help explain.
I've been carrying it around with me the week after she passed away (you see, I'm writing this sentence, and I'm still refusing to believe she's gone. I just know that I should be using that tense, but it still makes zero sense). To help explaining this to some very few selected individuals. Most of the people around me don't get virtual friendships, so I never told them what happened. When one of my best friends online died unexpectedly in August 2012, I was somewhat prepared to tell about it to my parents - but when I came back home they didn't ask what was wrong with me, or if everything's OK. So I never explained this to them. And I didn't try to explain ita to them, either. The only people I try to explain this to are those who are affected by my lack of normal functioning - boss, close friends, etc. But I hate the look I'm getting from people Who Don't Get It. As if virtual friendships are less in any way from real life friendships, and that I'm probably just overreacting. I hate it so much I avoid trying to explain this to people might won't be able to get it.