Curtis Armstrong is reasonably respected among actors. Last night I was able to stop hating Metatron enough to understand why that is. I really enjoyed the back-and-forth with God and Metatron--and it looked like the actors were enjoying it as well. Do we think Sam's had the amulet since Dean dropped it in the trash? Or did God slip it into his pocket just at the time it was needed? I'm inclined to think the latter.
Did we talk about last week's episode here? I loved it. I'm glad Jesse and Cesar are getting out of the hunting life, but man, I would love to see Rumohr and Ateo guest star again from time to time, helping the Winchesters on a hunt now and then.
Armstrong is intolerable when he's playing smug, but the character really had to be reverent last night and it worked well.
I loved his look as he was reading the last pages while Benedict was singing and realizing what was happening. He really sold it!
I really liked that song. :-) And RB has a great voice!
I think there was something about God/Chuck getting intense, even a little intimidating, that made it clear how hot RB really is. I'm still all tingly.
Season finale: Um, I'm confused.
Stupid show did manage to make me cry, though. I hate goodbyes.
I did like that the big finale came down to convincing Amara and God to reconcile, rather than being a matter of some gimmicky eleventh hour strategy.
Not crazy about the talk of "reaping" God, or for that matter killing Amara. I think both existence and nothingness are concepts too big to be subject to death. The struggle should have been couched in terms of who gets final say on the existence or nature of the universe, not on doing away with one another.
Introduced eldest son to SPN, this summer. He's hooked. We're currently at 6.4 or 6.5, within just a couple of weeks.
He doesn't know Sammy is currently soulless. So much fun (but so hard) to keep Show's secrets.
(I'll just wait here, then...)
I kind of love soulless Sam.
For one, he makes "Clap Your Hands if You Believe" hilarious.