Gin and strawberry puree, is that a thing?
I'm drinking Prosecco with strawberry puree, so I'm a yes.
Apparently, The Toast is hiring a PT Assistant Editor to work remotely about 15 hours a week. I'm applying. Anyone know Mallory Ortberg? I have all the skills, and when I move to PA, I'll be close to NYC.
I have worked on the house so hard all week, y'all. We get M from outside St. Louis Saturday, and I have so much fun stuff planned...but I'm also working on a short story for an anthology (to submit for consideration) due the 31st. And D's mom gave us money for our combined bday's and I think I'll be able to HAVE MY CAR FIXED. It's been inoperable since October, and it has sucked donkey dick.
I'm looking forward to the next few weeks with the kiddo here!
Anyone know Mallory Ortberg?
Foo. She lives here in the Bay Area, I think (or she's from here), but no. I could have gone to the Toast's first anniversary party last week, it was right by my office, but I don't know any of the commenters, since I've never commented on the site.
It would be a great gig, though--that site is AWESOME. And is getting a lot of attention online.
By which I mean, good luck!
Grazie! I figure I have a snowball's chance, but I'll try anyway.
Yay, Erin? That stuff sounds good! Or at least, not like gross mouse. Which is still haunting me.
I am LOVING what the hairdresser did to my hair today....but am pretty certain I will not be able to get it to do this again. Sigh. (It's basically slightly less elaborate but very similar to Pink's hair in this photo:
A rejection would be 100X better than that mouse!
OMG, I have hot queso/prosecco hiccups from hell. NO, NO, NO.
I have all the skills, and when I move to PA, I'll be close to NYC.
None of the staff is in NYC, and they don't care where applicants are.
I'm glad the interviews went well, Consuela and ita.
Good luck with the Toast, Strix!
Continuing recovery~ma, Tommy.
I recently applied for a job at Western Michigan University. Apparently there are two identical positions and one application goes toward both, which doubles my chances I guess. They're taking applications until 8/20, so I'm not expecting to hear for at least a couple of weeks. Neither the U. of Minnesota nor the Petoskey job have called me in for further interviews, so I'm not terribly hopeful. I had thought the U. of Wisconsin job was a no-go, but someone from there was looking at my linked in profile, so who knows.
Job hunting is depressing.
Erin, are you still doing resumes? Both of my siblings could use some help if you are for hire.
I love that I can keep up with acquaintances from my past lives on Facebook, but it also means sometimes you have an unexpectedly hard week. On Monday our former neighbor from NC died - reading between the lines, I suspect a suicide - leaving his 8 and 6 year old children. This morning I learned that a colleague of mr. flea - he's known both parents in the family since graduate school - drowned yesterday while on a beach vacation. Kids also early elementary school age. WITEBOF, world.