Yay for good interviews day!
Poor Loki was presumed pregnant by the neighborhood kids tonight. And he accidentally met their pretty girlkitten ( oh god, why do I foresee a third cat??) and they were AMAZED at how both cats puffed up. Sigh, guess it's time to do some cat-ucation again.
Why is being near the end of the interviews bad? I had never heard that before.
Why is being near the end of the interviews bad? I had never heard that before.
Studies have shown that people in earlier positions are more likely to be remembered well, basically.
I did not know that. I always ask for the earliest possible spot, and worry I should be relying on recency, not primacy.
Good oops?
Huh. On the one hand, OK I guess if studies show it, then there's an effect, but on the other hand, if you click with the committee and it feels like it went well, that's a good thing no matter when in the cycle you interview.
I always say early because you have no one to initially be compared to.
My 4 hours of professional development went ok today. It wasn't required to attend, but it was relatively well attended. Tomorrow, I have a 6 hour PD I am giving. And then DONE.
I also got a new work laptop (Dell. Ptooey) and a presentation remote. FANCY.
Shit I forgot to check the computers at the interview. But everyone had two monitors and they were on dual monitor stands and at least one guy had one of his rotated portrait. So that's good.
It's only a 12+ project, but I still really want it.
The job with the insane test, I think the guy who interviewed me looked like he was using a 13" Dell. Woo woo.
Gin and strawberry puree, is that a thing?
I'm drinking Prosecco with strawberry puree, so I'm a yes.
Apparently, The Toast is hiring a PT Assistant Editor to work remotely about 15 hours a week. I'm applying. Anyone know Mallory Ortberg? I have all the skills, and when I move to PA, I'll be close to NYC.
I have worked on the house so hard all week, y'all. We get M from outside St. Louis Saturday, and I have so much fun stuff planned...but I'm also working on a short story for an anthology (to submit for consideration) due the 31st. And D's mom gave us money for our combined bday's and I think I'll be able to HAVE MY CAR FIXED. It's been inoperable since October, and it has sucked donkey dick.
I'm looking forward to the next few weeks with the kiddo here!
Anyone know Mallory Ortberg?
Foo. She lives here in the Bay Area, I think (or she's from here), but no. I could have gone to the Toast's first anniversary party last week, it was right by my office, but I don't know any of the commenters, since I've never commented on the site.
It would be a great gig, though--that site is AWESOME. And is getting a lot of attention online.
By which I mean, good luck!