Basically stop drinking tea: [link]
Brenda, it's you who knows the Rishi person, right? Well, they pass.
I tried the low gly dark chocolate cookies with cherries instead of cranberries (the recipe calls for chocolate chips, but I don't like them), and it tastes much better. Enough that I will start doubling the recipe, because making 11 cookies at once is not getting me anywhere.
Someone at work sent out an email announcing an optional session about being a good ally to the LGBT community. Someone responded (to the entire list), "Since it is now known that the most ardent discriminations are not against the categories that you have mentioned—but, rather, are aimed at Atheists, could you include that in your training sessions and discussions?"
People are pretty shitty to/about atheists, but maybe that could be a separate topic instead of folding it into LGBT.
Whales are discriminated against (because, you know, they get killed). Maybe include that in an LGBT session.
Sone whales are LGBT, I bet.
People are pretty shitty to/about atheists, but maybe that could be a separate topic instead of folding it into LGBT.
Yeah, and I wouldn't expect the people who are preparing a session about LGBT to be able to just throw in another mostly-unrelated topic. (Like, I've seen people who are really good at feminist and LGBT ally stuff try to talk about antisemitism and ended up looking like asses, just because they didn't know a lot of stuff, and "Here's how to be an ally to group A" doesn't always translate into "Here's how to be an ally to group B," other than the obvious really basic stuff.)
Maybe 10 minutes on atheist LGBT (see? not even Q!) people will be the sop they need. Their issues must be so much different (worse?) than the average.
Basically stop drinking tea
The Food Babe is kind of a questionable source. Her views of GMOs, which she seems to think are something like arsenic, are on the wacky side. It is true that several studies have found pesticides in most tea, and that there are concerns about how heat releases some plastic compounds. (Interestingly, the study she cites was paid for by an investment company that wanted to short Celestial Seasons stock.) However, it's hard to know what the amount of pesticides means. At least half of the crops certified as organic contain some pesticides, because of the amount of pesticides in the environment. The amount you'd consume in a cup of tea is tiny.
Her rant about natural flavors is kind of odd, too. There is no Earl Grey without bergamot oil. Also, I figure anyone who buys grape-flavored tea shouldn't have too many illusions about its naturalness.
I should buckle down and pick leaves from my completely organic tea plant and have the world's smallest tea company. I've tried, but it takes a hell of a lot of picking for enough tea for cup.
Also don't think it is proven that atheists face worse discrimination than lgbt. A higher percent of the population may be prejudiced against atheists, but I suspect both the practical discrimination and the depth of the hatred is worse for LGBT. As in there is still legal discrimination against LGBT. And also you get more people ranting passionately against lgbt (not using that term) and openly opposing lgbt rights.