I feel like backyard fruit trees get a pass
I absolutely agree, but until they are established they are needier and that just seems like trouble. The 5 I managed to get big enough to pot and have on the front porch all died during a heat wave lat year,and that just seems even more likely with water restrictions.
Ooh, mango pit. [mental note for that hypothetical day when the drought is over]
I can't even with that guy, Zen. I mean, talky meat is one thing, but showing you all his tattoos and criticizing your housekeeping is WAY over the line. Glad he's doing a good job, though.
I am actually out of fruit at the moment. Ate my last orange today. I may have a couple of lemons, still, but I can't just eat one of those for a snack. Next delivery is next week. I do have frozen peaches from last August, though, I'll get by.
Oh, hi deadline we just received this morning that is TODAY. I totally did not process that right when I read it, thought it was next Monday.
So, is it a tornado watch or a tornado warning where you're supposed to seek shelter?
eta: Warning is a tornado "may be imminent." Too bad there's no basement in this building.
On the plus side, there's only eight more minutes in the warning.
The storm seems to have passed and the sirens have stopped. Yay!
"Watch" is like a watchman walking the walls of a castle. "Warning" is when the watchman sees trouble.
Medievalism is handy.
I did close my windows after lightning struck about a block away. (It struck right in front of my massage therapist's house, actually. She's a block from me.)
He just explained to me his method for handwashing dishes and how "OCD" he is. He's been here for almost six hours now. He told me he was taking his time because it's a flat rate job and he doesn't have anything else today. Why, he could have done this in less than an hour! No kidding.
He's writing up the invoice, at last.
Yikes, tommy, stay safe!
I'm all mememe today. This guy is driving me crazy.
Meep, tommyrot!
Crap, I can't stay late to finish this stuff, I have a doctor's appointment. I guess I will be working tonight. Dammit.
Hooray invoice!
That's a weird sentiment to express.
At this point, I'm paying him to leave.