I'm intrigued by those, tommyrot. If you got one you could tell me how you like it. Keep in mind, though, that I am kind of a gadget junkie. I may have ordered a new activity tracker/sport watch yesterday. But it was relatively cheap! And will remind me when I've been sitting for too long as well as recording my heart rate while I'm swimming! Supposedly. So my advice may not be the best, is what I'm saying.
Might be good for you to look like you might be a person who is tired of all the m-f birds in your m-f vent (or wherever they are, I may be thinking of someone else with the vent full of birds), Zen. Motivate him.
What I was coming in here to say is - I finally got the Global Data service taken off my cell phone, woohoo! Only paid for two months I didn't need, that's not too bad a stupidity tax as these things go.
Birds sitch seems resolved, BUT, I turned on the outside faucet for the first time this year, and it started pouring water INSIDE my house. Leaking into the wall, I think. Carpet is soaked. I hope a plumber and new carpet can solve this problem without needing a contractor. I hope this doesn't clean out my bank account. House ~ma would be appreciated!
Spire seems to be getting four our of five star reviews. I think I'll order one in a few days so it arrives next week.
Are their any lawyers about?
I am looking at a clinical placement agreement for a distance learning student who lives in Massachusetts, is employed (not by us) in Massachusetts, and is doing her clinical placement in Massachusetts.
The agreement states that we (the school I work at, which is in new york) must have Workers’ Compensation and disability insurance coverage in accordance with the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts covering all its employees.
Are we in "accordance with the laws of the commonwealth of massachusetts" if we have no employees in Massachusetts and therefore no disability/Worker's Comp insurance in MA? Or are they saying that we need to provide MA insurance for our NY workers?
Adulting win. Homeowners policy covers damage from a burst pipe. I may only be out my deductible, which is by marvelous coincidence exactly the same as the amount I just got paid for freelance work. Plumber and "damage mitigation specialists" are on their way.
I've been wanting new carpet, anyway.
Remember yesterday when my brain wasn't working? My boss and I were on a conference call with a client, trying to figure out why our web timesheet system wasn't working on a new server. We wasted several hours on the phone trying to figure out the problem because I forgot that when you hit an .asp page in a directory for the first time, the web server first runs the global.asa for that page.
At least today my brain was working better and I figured out the problem and no one is mad at me. Could have been worse.
Thank-you emails for 30-minute virtual interview, yes? How few sentences can I get away with? (I am stuck at 2.) The cat stayed out of the picture.
Sophia, my dad is a workers comp lawyer in NY. I can email him to ask, if you want.