Nah, you don't have to haul, I just need to request a pickup and put it all out back. I think. Little vague on details.
You totally should work your errand-fu as you wish while you're retired. You're an awesome info consigliere, totally always thought you should parlay that into income.
Thanks, all. I really appreciate hearing from everybody. I made the pitch! Now I have to forget about it and not go crazy until/if I hear from them.
Sheesh, Ginger.
I need to cull. Hell, I have 3 boxes of clothes from 5 years ago I still haven't donated. And not because of some attachment, just not gotten to it. I need to do a weekender clothes cull/transition to sloppy projects clothes. And get new un-holey respectable casual tops.
Polgara invited me and Burrell to a clothing exchange thing. It was good to get rid of stuff (yay!) and I picked up an entire new set of clothes in shades of black, white and grey mostly. I am so stinking predictable.
What the hell is it with roofers leaving shit on my roof? And not even my roofers! Next door neighbor had his recoated and they left a coffee cup, squeegee and some roofing material- and that's just what I could see. I have no idea if they left shit on the main roof. If it isn't gone by tonight, I'm gonna ask him to contact them.
Also, listening to them this morning, so effing disorganized.
Oh, I really want to host a clothing swap. My friend who usually does it lives in the far suburbs, and is pregnant, so I want to ask her if she'd mind my taking it on. I should get on that!
Remember my young coworker who died her hair platinum? Yeah, now it just looks like grey/white hair.
Also before I left for work this morning, I ordered an unnecessarily expensive blush from Sephora so I could get free samples of sunscreen. That's not crazy, right? (don't tell me if it is crazy.) Also 8% off via Ebates! It's totally a good deal....
(And of course I mean my definition of "far suburbs" is still on a bus line, so not actually that far...)
(don't tell me if it is crazy.)
My favorite part of your post.
If ordering things from Sephora to get free samples is crazy, I don't want to be sane.
Monday did not waste any time with me. Nothing like spilling an expensive and tiresome to fill prescription all over the floor. At least it wasn't a brand new entirely full bottle.
And my breakfast is disappointing.
Went on to break a hanger and a nail. Should've called in clumsy to work today.