Oh, I really want to host a clothing swap. My friend who usually does it lives in the far suburbs, and is pregnant, so I want to ask her if she'd mind my taking it on. I should get on that!
Remember my young coworker who died her hair platinum? Yeah, now it just looks like grey/white hair.
Also before I left for work this morning, I ordered an unnecessarily expensive blush from Sephora so I could get free samples of sunscreen. That's not crazy, right? (don't tell me if it is crazy.) Also 8% off via Ebates! It's totally a good deal....
(And of course I mean my definition of "far suburbs" is still on a bus line, so not actually that far...)
(don't tell me if it is crazy.)
My favorite part of your post.
If ordering things from Sephora to get free samples is crazy, I don't want to be sane.
Monday did not waste any time with me. Nothing like spilling an expensive and tiresome to fill prescription all over the floor. At least it wasn't a brand new entirely full bottle.
And my breakfast is disappointing.
Went on to break a hanger and a nail. Should've called in clumsy to work today.
There's an idea for a superhero. The MondaySaver! She swoops in with extra caffeine and a clean shirt and emergency chocolate.
It's possible the advice nurse hadn't hung up the phone when I said, "You're an idiot."
I really don't want to piss away my day at the closest Kaiser urgent care, which is 20 minutes away on a good day. Also, I'll have to reschedule my chiropractor appointment and my neck still hurts.
Sorry about nurse being less than helpful, Ginger.
Today is the Monday-est of Mondays.