Wore shorts and a sweatshirt to market. Just right.
Got 2 qts of strawberries: one super ripe which I'll need to eat over the long weekend and one that'll make it through the rest of the week. And asparagus. And now I need to do the rest of my shopping.
Gronk. Stayed up way too late last night for no good reason.
Oh! But here's news. Darby spent three hours lying on the couch with me. After like 5 years. Having 2 cats and a person added to the household has her pretty stressed out,
(My sister: "you're like those parents in FB who are all 'I hate that my kid is sick but they're so cuddly like this!' ")
Aw, Darby.
I am Approved to Adopt! Now we'll see if they can take me tomorrow, because of course I can't actually go today.
I'm in! Kind of excited about a middle-aged lady cat.
Yay Jesse!
Cherries are in! NOM. (OK to be fair they've been in for a while but now they're finally below $2/lb...)
So I'm reading Yelp reviews of the vet closest to my house, and they are very good! The most negative review is from someone who brought their hedgehog in, and they didn't seem to know much about pet hedgehogs.... Yeah, that seems OK.
Of course, I need every possible supply. I can't decide if it's more ridiculous to buy a litter box, food, etc., at the supermarket before I go see the cat, or just buy it all at PetSmart where she is living. I'll take a cab home with her either way, so I kind of think I'll just get everything at the PetSmart.
Yay kitty!
You guys, in the last week (literally the last 7 days), FOUR people in my life have had someone close to them die. And it's weird because these are important people in my life, but I didn't know the people who died, so *I'm* not grieving, exactly, but trying to provide support and hold their grief. It's weird and hard.
One friend's 20-something son died of a heroin overdose last week; our BFFs' neighbor and good friend died in a motorcycle accident a few days ago; and last night Tim's nephew's GF's mother (who nephew and GF were living with) died unexpectedly.
It's a lot. What the hell?