Sorry about all the ughs, people.
I am just back from happy hour with a couple of my favorite coworkers and that was legit good times! If I didn't like the people I work with my life would be much poorer.
What is the scale? Tipsy --> inebriated --> drunk --> shitfaced?
Yeah, that sounds right. Maybe a buzzed in between tipsy and inebriated? Or before. I think of tipsy at the beginning of the scale although it does bring to mind tipping over which seems more serious.
She said after checking her receipt to see how many sangrias that was.
Have some good karate, msbelle!
I was about to ask if buzzed came before or after tipsy but -t already went there.
Karated now wings. Now beer? Or wine? Hmmmm
I'm not sure what distinguishes inebriated from drunk, but I've always heard of buzzed as the first effects you feel from booze. Tipsy is once the physical clumsiness sets in, but before you're slurring.
My fb app just reverted to the old interface! Methinks people hated the new.
Doing tons of laundry. Need to return my brother's call.
Might have to put in the ac by Monday. Looks like a hot and steamy week is coming up. Weekend will be bearable, but...
I have always thought of tipsy and buzzed as interchangeable. Pleasant, not drunk.
It's just as well I live in Utah, I dislike all forms of altered consciousness
Oh! The cat people called my references!