Everybody does that sort of thing, Tom. I left my regular glasses at home last week, which wouldn't have been a problem, except I was out after dark and had to drive home wearing my prescription sunglasses. That was fun!
Which reminds me, I probably need a new prescription. We just had benefits enrollment and I signed up for the vision plan, hopefully I can get a new pair of glasses.
And I once again came to work without my phone. I'm not expecting a call today, so I'll just try to manage without, I guess.
I have a problem wherein the use of F in an internet acronym always means fuck. Thus when people tell me they are WFH I am taken aback for a minute
Before I knew what FTW meant, it'd remind me of WTF so I saw it as "Fuck The What?"
People forget things. All the time.
I've lost count of how many expensive umbrellas I've left on trains. Of course I never forget the cheap ones.
I need new glasses badly. I can't see the time on the cable box, my night vision is horrible, and I am getting headaches all the time. I have a pounder now.
And I just tried to go get coffee without my cup. This is gonna be an interesting day.
I get really confused when I hear about losing glasses, because mine are always on my face! (NB: When I was a kid, I thought I could tell if my mother was awake or asleep by her glasses, not her eyelids. Eyes open, no glasses? Probably asleep!)
So, after all my drama (and a coworker driving in from the suburbs specifically for the meeting), we couldn't get the phone connection. Wah-wah.
What's amazing about the photobomb is that the Queen is smiling, which you pretty much never see. We must have been very amused, indeed.
I'm having a maintenance guy fix my garbage disposal, which jammed up Tuesday night when I wasn't quick enough on the switch after hearing it make a loud grinding noise. Turns out my cats had used it as the goal for a game of soccer with a Bic lighter as the ball; I was only able to fish out the plastic part.
In completely unrelated news, the vet just called to tell me Jackson is recovering nicely after being neutered this morning.
That's a little harsh for kicking around a lighter. But glad he's doing well.